<silence> Good morning, Tulsa Lawn care community. Kevin here with kicking grass and taking names. Lawn care home of the $5 first. Mow. How we doing out there folks? Let’s talk about mowers. Um, we’re gonna talk about different types of mowers out there. Um, there is, uh, several arguments that can be made, several perceptions to have. Uh, we have push mowers. We have big old zero turn mowers. We have what’s known as real motor motor mowers. Okay? Uh, and what I mean by that is when I say real mowers, I’m talking about REEL round blades or blades formed in a, uh, round design that goes head over toes. And arguably that is the best way to cut grass. Uh, however, here in the United States, um, we do not primarily use those types of mowers. We use the spinning mowers, uh, where the blades are turning right to left or left to right, or however, however it is where you’re at.

Uh, majority of the world uses real mow mowers. So, um, supposedly that is the best way to mow that is exactly how the grass likes to be cut. Uh, it performs better, responds better, things like that. Um, but they, none. I, uh, nonetheless, they are hard to come by here in the states. Uh, they are available. Um, it’s just more of a specialty or a niche that we have. So, Tulsa lawn care community, um, mowers, mowers, mowers, push mowing, while arguably it has a better look sometimes, kind of depends on the look you want. Takes a lot of time and a lot of effort and a lot of energy and sometimes it just not very powerful enough to get through that grass. Uh, ’cause you know, sometimes you have crab grass or other kind of thicker and heartier grasses that get in the way, and those are little mowers.

In fact, if you’re really up to date and get one of those robot mowers, uh, that thing mows your yard every night, ’cause it can’t handle any really any more growth than that, uh, it won’t be able to cut it. So, as you can tell, as the mowers get bigger and, and hardier, you know, the more they they can handle and stuff like that, it doesn’t necessarily mean that you wanna wait a long period of time to mow your grass, but it means if it’s a little bit longer than what it should be, then it’s okay. Those push barss, however, eh, not so good. Okay? And of course, it’s just personal opinion, which is fine. Uh, and I’m sure everyone has their own, and maybe some people like to spend long amounts of time in the heat and out there pushing mowers and pushing lawn and all that fun stuff. However,

Some of us, while we do enjoy mowing, we’d rather do it on a zero turn or a stand on or a tractor, okay? Get a little wind in the hair. Uh, have a little breeze going and really leaving some nice cut lines down. Um, as long as your tractor’s level or your, your mower is level, tires are good, everything like that, you’re gonna really leave a nice level cut. It’s a very fresh look. Um, and it really helps to give that lawn a, uh, professional look. Instead of having 37,000 stripes across your, your yard, you have some nice 10 to 15 stripes at most, you know, of course, always depending on the size of your lawn. So toaster lawn care community, mowing with different types of mowers is, is primarily a, um, this is what I prefer. This is what I don’t prefer, type of moment.

Um, it’s just like anything else. How people prefer their, you know, mowing lawn is, is, is just like food. Everyone has their different beliefs and how that things should be made or cooked or prepped or cut or whatever, and they think that this is the best way or whatever. At the end of the day, science wins out. Okay? And for all you, uh, people out there who believe, oh, I don’t want my grass to grow so fast, so I’ll cut it shorter, you’re wrong. Just FYI, um, your grass will grow immensely faster. Uh, the shorter you cut it, um, and you know, it does depend on grass type. Um, grasses that are designed to be long might just straight die off the first time you cut ’em. Short grasses that are meant to be mid-range, um, will die off after a, after a long while.

And then there are some grasses that are designed to be cut extremely short, extremely short, okay? Uh, and in best case, you better have some level ground. Uh, ’cause even even with a smallest mower, which is like a 21 or 18 inch mower, uh, if your ground isn’t level, it’s gonna scalp it. So don’t sit there and be like, oh, the mower’s messed up. You are talking about Earth. Okay, Terranova, okay, this stuff turns to mud when it gets wet and you guys and it step on it and you change the topography of the ground simply by stepping on it when it’s wet, meaning where you step goes down and the ground around it goes up. So boom, right there, the ground becomes unlevel. So sitting here and saying, oh, your decks are off and, and all this stuff, which don’t get me wrong, completely possible and most definitely highly, uh, you need to understand that the ground has some effect to it.

So if you’re gonna have one of those grasses that’s really, really low, then you better have some very level ground. Uh, ’cause you’re talking about less than half an inch or less of, uh, of cutting that you’re doing Tulsa lawn care community, most of your grasses are going to be more of a mid range grass. You don’t want to cut it that low. Uh, in fact, if anything, if you want to slow down the growth, if you wanna cut it a little bit higher, uh, that way, it, it doesn’t want to hurry up and grow back to its original height. It, it’s kind of like training. Uh, there’s a a saying about if you put a mosquito in a jar, it’ll only learn to jump so high. Um, and then once after a while, once you take it out of the jar, it will never jump higher than what it was, than what it knows.

Um, the same with the grass. Um, if you let it grow really tall and cut it back really short, then it’ll want to hurt up and get back to that really tall. But if you maintain it at a little bit higher, cut and cut it like you should about every five to seven days, then it will not grow back as fast. And you’re gonna start to sit there and think to yourself, huh, maybe I don’t need to mow my lawn. No, you do. ’cause you’re training, you’re training your lawn to how you want it. So Tulsa lawn care community, do not allow that grass to get outta control. Uh, keep on it, keep with it, make sure it does exactly how you want to perform and provide you with a, a very comfortable and safe and good looking environment. Uh, really helps the, the home pop look good and, uh, keep it clean. We want to make sure we are always looking our best on our lawns. Uh, so many reasons.

So the different mowers we need to use or want to use, uh, the best ones to use are the zero turns. You know, they, they make it easy to glide around the yard. Uh, they’re pretty, if as long as the yard, you know, is dry, just like any other mower, you know, they turn really well on them and stuff like that. Um, now again, while push mowing is nice and wonderful, it just, there, it doesn’t look nice to have 37 stripes on 10 feet of grass. You know, you’re going back and forth a million times. Uh, you just, you got a whole bunch of lines everywhere. It just doesn’t flow, you know? And what looks nice, what looks the best are when there doesn’t look like there was a mower on there at all. And, you know, depending on your, the conditions of your ground and stuff like that, your, your zero turn mowers can really give that effect.

They’ll, they’ll make it look nice. They’ll make it look even. They’ll have a nice looking, uh, um, flow to them on the yard. It won’t look choppy, it won’t look, uh, divided up. Uh, it won’t look like a grid, you know, and of course you can, can always mow in different directions and things like that. I understand. But there are so many other ways and places that we can mow. Okay? Uh, now again, there’s also tractors where you, you you can mow and stuff like that. You know, I, I don’t know how good or helpful those are, but Tulsa Lawn Care community there is completely up to you as far as what you guys want to use. But if you’re going to be hiring somebody and you’re gonna want somebody out there and, and doing work for you, you wanna make sure they have good equipment.

Um, the better the equipment they have, the better likelihood that they’re going to, uh, one, maintain it, take care of it. Two, uh, you know, that means they’re gonna care a little bit more about your yard and stuff like that. And they’re gonna, it’s kind of a give and take. They’re gonna, you know, expect you to keep your yard up as far as like not having things in the yard and stuff. And, and, you know, they’re gonna wanna make sure their equipment’s going good, so it can give you a nice, clean, good looking lawn. Uh, they do not want to have, uh, their mowers get messed up or, or things like that. Now, if you’ve got a guy that comes out with janky the old push mowers and things like that, I mean, who knows what you’re gonna get? Uh, he may not even make sure that the mowers, all the wheels are set in the right height.

So you may end up very choppy. Um, but some of those mowers, uh, they, they can give a very nice cut. Uh, if you really want a fine finish and a, a better, a healthier, happier looking yard, you may look into guys that use real motor mowers. Uh, they will give you a nice, very good clean, professional cut. Uh, the grass will be happier. I don’t know how they measure the grass happiness, but the grass will be happier when they, uh, cut it in the direction that it prefers. I don’t know if it responds better. I don’t know if we we’re, we’re mistaking the ability of the grass to grow back faster and stronger with it’s being happier the way it got cut. I don’t know either way. Uh, folks, check us out www.kickinggrasstulsa.com. Give us a call at (918) 872-0338. Let us know how we’re doing. Let us know that you want the best lifting lawn on the street and to compete with your neighbors for Yard of the Week.