<silence> Good morning. Tulsa lawn care community. Kevin here with kicking grass and taking names. Long care home with a $5 first Mow reaching out to you guys. Seeing how we’re doing, seeing how we’re prepping our lawns. Getting ready for the next season. And you’re sitting here thinking, um, didn’t the last season just end? Yeah. Yeah, it did. Uh, but just like the greatest players of all time, the moment after their last game or their season ends, they’re back in the gym hitting the weights, working out, working on new moves. So kicking grass and taking ames. Lawn care is exact same way. That’s right. We’re the goat of lawn care. Okay? So we’re already wanting to prep these lawns, get them ready, uh, for next season. Doing that causes, uh, several things that need to be done. One, make sure all the debris is removed. We wanna make sure that lawn is able to breathe.
We wanna make sure that lawn gets as much sun as possible. Um, we wanna make sure that lawn is just well taken care of by mother nature. We do not want that lawn covered up by mother Nature. That’s the last thing we want that lawn to do. If that lawn gets covered up the Tulsa lawn care community, then we’re in trouble. Okay? That lawn will miss crucial nutrients. That lawn will miss precious sun time. That lawn will miss proper watering and drying out periods. There are so many different issues that can happen to a lawn if it is not properly taken care of. Now does it mean this will happen? No, of course not. Just like, Hey, if I walk out in traffic in the middle of a busy highway intersection, I may or may not get hit. So could it happen? Yes. Will it happen?
I can’t guarantee it, but there’s a good chance. Same with your lawn. I can’t guarantee that it’s gonna get the disease, but by being lazy or cheap or whatever is gonna cost you in the long run, of course you don’t see it and you just want to take the hit later. But the smarter thing to do would be to take care of that lawn. Now it’ll be cheaper, easier for everyone, alright? And usually the return on the investment is always better. So you’re talking about maybe maintaining the lawn for a couple thousand dollars a year. Okay? That way when it comes time to sell one, you’re not rushing to fix everything. And then two, your lawn is looking good, looking strong, looking healthy,
And it’s going to bring you back a bigger return on that price. Okay? Because what’s the first thing people see when they drive up to your property? Tulsa Lawn care community. What is the first thing? Oh, the lawn. How the outside looks. It does not matter what the inside looks. If they can’t even get to your house from the outside because of overgrowth, because of smells, because of different types of things. Growing in the grass and the shrubs and who knows what else. But maintaining that lawn, getting it ready, looking after it, keeping your hedges trimmed, keeping, uh, leaves picked up. And I know in our area we don’t necessarily need a mow, but still keeping it made like a good level, not letting it get wildly outta control. It will grow. Don’t matter what it’s going to grow, no matter what. It’s going to get some sunlight.
Now come, I don’t know, maybe January, February, that’s when it’ll really knock off. And you won’t have that much to, uh, to mow if anything. ’cause it should all be brown by then. But that is, uh, something you still want to maintain, whether it’s once a month or not. Uh, you still wanna keep it trimmed. Um, keep it looking nice. Uh, don’t forget there is a post emergent to put down that can help out with all the, um, growth that’ll need during the wintertime. And they’ll keep those nutrients where they need to be and maintain the soil and the pH balance and all that good fun stuff that you don’t think about. And don’t worry about why. ’cause you’ve hired kick the grass and taken names Lawn care home with the $5 first mow to take care of that for you. That’s why it’s nothing for you to, uh, have worried on your plates or, uh, have concern with, because you’re like, well, I’ve already got these guys in place.
They’re gonna take care of it. They’re gonna make sure I have a great looking lawn. They’re going to be on top of the ball. That’s right. Winter time needs a little more care and a little more attention and detail. A lot of these guys will take a break, put their feet up and go on vacation for the next three or four months. Okay? We can’t do that here. We want those lawns to grow. We want those lawns to be healthy and strong. Why? ’cause we want some vibrant, good growing green, beautiful looking lawns come spring and summer, okay? It is not hard. It is just time. Alright? Time with your lawn. Give it the proper, uh, nutrients that it needs and let it do its thing.
Lawns are easily maintained when you have the right team in place and kicking congrats to taking names. Lawn care is the right team to have in place to take care of your lawn, Tulsa lawn care community. Do not miss out on opportunities that can benefit you in the long run that can keep HOA and Karen’s off your back while you have a great looking lawn. Okay? But it can also help keep, I know it, it’s, it’s far fetching for some, but the reality is it help keeps up, uh, property values. Why? Because if you have a good looking lawn, well, that then causes pressure on your neighbors that maintain their lawns, and then therefore the whole neighborhood starts to look better. And then wham bam. Thank you ma’am. Everyone’s property values either goes up or maintains when people start selling their homes, okay? And it’s one of those opportunities, okay?
Or lucky moments, however you wanna look at it. When one has taken the necessary precautions necessary, uh, things needed and prepared, and the opportunities a arose, and that is, that is the definition for luck for us, okay? When opportunity meets preparation, we want to be lucky by being prepared and being ready for when the opportunity arises, to have a great looking lawn, to impress the right people to do whatever it is we need to do to have what it is we need to have for anybody to stop by and whenever they want. ’cause you never know when somebody’s driving by and is like, Hey, let me take a photograph of this house for some sort of magazine, for some sort of blog, for some sort of neighborhood social media account. It’s all there. Okay? So Tulsa lawn care community, be ready. Have the team in place that knows what they’re doing.
Have ’em out there taking care of that lawn even during winter when others aren’t. Your lawn will look great. You won’t have to worry about it. You won’t have to. The only things you guys will have to decide on is maybe what color Christmas lights you want this year. Maybe, I don’t know. Let’s say what you want them down. I mean, you don’t even have to say that. You can always be like, Hey, I want it down the first week. I want it up on this date and I want it down this first week. And that’s how it’s set. Okay? Then completely up to you if and when you want to, uh, lower or, or change the dates on that. Otherwise we can set that in stone and move on. I mean, we got people already scheduling their next leaf cleanups for the next year. I mean, that’s, that’s what we want. We want you guys to know that you can count on us. We’re gonna be here, we’re gonna clean up for you. So Tulsa Lawn care community, let’s get after it. Let’s take care of these lawns and make sure we’re doing the proper things needed. Many of us need to take some classes,
Many of us need to take some different learning, um, mechanisms in place so we can figure out how to take care of these lawns. Um, that takes up a lot of time. You know, either you gotta watch something on TV and then you got all the distractions of a home. Uh, you gotta watch something on the tube, on the, on the, whatever you wanna call it, computer or, or phone or however you want to learn. But like I said, then life happens and you’ve got all these distractions, or you gotta go somewhere. No one wants to go anywhere. You know, you’re, you’re finally home. It’s dark, it’s late. You wanna settle in for the night. No, you gotta go to class. 30 minutes away, 40 minutes away. Who knows where. It’s, uh, especially when it comes to some of these, uh, uh, yard maintenance classes.
I mean, you know, they’re, they’re have, they’re kind of out in the farm area sometimes because that’s where they need, they need to make, to make sure they have room. If they need to take you outside and show you something in, in the field, literally, you know, they, they can’t be in the middle of a city at a classroom where they don’t have any grass to show you anything if they need to. They, they need to be able to take you out and be like, Hey, this is what we got going on. Here’s an example.
So green country kicking grass and taking names long here is here for you. They want to show you, uh, how, what a great, uh, option they are to have your lawns taken care of. They wanna make sure you, you guys, don’t miss out on the $5 first. Mow, it’s one of the best deals that you’re gonna get in the area. You can’t even get a milkshake these days for five bucks. And if you do get one, it’s smaller than than 12 ounces. I mean, that is nothing. We’re talking about a full blown lawn service for five bucks. Folks. Uh, after that, you fall in love, show you our methods, our madness, and we’re gonna get there and, and make you guys want more. All right? Give us a call at (918) 872-0338. Let us know how you’re doing. Let us know, uh, where, why, and how we can help you. And, uh, give us a call. Check us out www.kickinggrasstulsa.com. Uh, we got some testimonials. We got all sorts of good stuff on there. Check us out, let us know how we’re doing. Uh, see where we can help. We’ll see you out there, folks.