<silence> Good morning, Tulsa Lawn care community. Kevin here with kicking grass and taking names. Lawn Care home of the $5 First. Mow, uh, how y’all doing out there today? It is, uh, close to freezing. Um, this year has been a very strange and odd year with our, uh, temperatures and just different things like that. Um, we are on record to have one of the latest freezes, uh, since like, uh, I think the nineties sometime. Uh, they’re expecting it to be sometime next week, approximately around Thanksgiving. Uh, the latest freeze we’ve ever had before was, I believe they said November 28th, which coincidentally is Thanksgiving this year. Anyway, long story short, meaning the grass has kind of still been growing, uh, I’ve had a few customers actually call me back out, uh, after they’ve, uh, called it for the season for their lawns and had me re remo the lawn.
Uh, just, it’s growing, you know, uh, it is what it is. It’s fine. Uh, we will take care of it for them. Uh, make it look good, make it look nice. So not too many, uh, lawns still growing. It’s definitely, if you have a fescue lawn, you’re probably, you’re probably definitely growing still. Uh, getting nice and long. Uh, so yes, very, very simple, very easy. Um, just wanna make sure you guys know these things are still happening. So anyway, uh, what that we think might happen, what we speculate, uh, you know, guess what we do not know for sure, but we’re gonna assume might happen, is that the leaves are all gonna fall at once. Wham, uh, just kinda like a, a drastic snowfall. Uh, and you’re gonna go from having a not covered lawn to a very heavily covered lawn in leaves. And so, uh, Tulsa lawn care community, if you are a sq lawn, that is a major no-no.
Okay? Uh, why? Because that blanket of leaves will smother that lawn, kill it, and it will be gone. And then you go back into either getting so laid or having to wait till, uh, springtime to do some overs, seeding and different things like that. Having said all that, uh, the other thing is, if any grass you have, uh, if you let your lawn, the leaves lay there long enough, uh, could lead to, uh, mold, could lead to, uh, infestation of mosquitoes or different other critters, uh, just from the buildup of gunk from the fall season and when it rains and if it holds up in dams, uh, and in an extreme scenario, Tulsa Lawn Care Community Foundation issues. Uh, so if you allow leaves to build up against the house,
It will keep the land extremely moist once it does get wet, okay? It’ll kill off all your grass, leaving your dirt exposed and either causing your ground to become extremely, uh, volatile and shifts your cement and cracks it or does not allow the right amount of moisture to get there, to keep the ground fluid enough and starts to separate from the ground and causes it to crack. ’cause the cement now is out floating by itself, uh, with extreme amount of weight on it. So again, worst case scenarios, is it gonna happen? No. Could it happen? Possibly. There’s always a chance. Uh, so just something, something to keep, uh, in mind for, uh, le generally. I mean, just even having something coming out every couple weeks and just handing those leaves would be better and, and, and probably a better rate, especially if they get it come out, uh, more often than one time.
Uh, and, and it keeps your lawn looking good, you know, and if you do it right, you know, maybe it’s a leaf removal, maybe it’s a mulch. I don’t know, uh, how many trees you have. It all kind of depends, but it’s gonna work out at your favor in the long run. ’cause at the end of the day, it’s, this is your house. This is something that you are protecting. This is something that you’re, that you’re, you’re investing in, okay. That you’re hoping to get a return on later in life. Uh, whether it, whether it’s just to cash out and travel with or, or pass down to a family member or, or keeping the family or whatever you guys want to do. Um, you gotta look at this as an investment and you wanna protect that investment. Uh, it’s one of the biggest expenditures, uh, that you have in your life is, is this, uh, purchase of a home.
Uh, so Tulsa lawn care community. Don’t just let it go by the wayside and let all these little things add up. Uh, home ownership does take, uh, a little bit of a checklist, a little bit of follow up, a little bit of a scheduling, uh, to make sure we get everything done. Uh, you know, and taking care of the leaves on property, whether you have trees or not, is, is crucial. Uh, probably if you don’t have leaves and you end up with some mulching is probably your best and, and, and smartest option. Uh, you probably have Bermuda grass then, which, uh, does see a lot of sunlight and, you know, thrives on all that. Uh, what do you call, you know, free fertilization and, and different things like that. So, uh, definitely, definitely check out what we’ve got for you. The services that we provide, uh, realize that we want to be the ones to help out by cleaning up your leaves, making that lawn look great and healthy.
It’s, it’s amazing how much, I mean, even the home looks more attractive when the lawn is just kept up. Uh, it’s not like it has to be a lot of work and or expensive. ’cause if you, if you stay with it and you, you make sure your, your company and is coming out and different things like that, it is a simple, easy fix, uh, that you can get taken care of at a, at a rather decent price. Okay? It’s when you let it go that it turns into an issue that it starts to become a financial question. Is this really worth it? Uh, it’s when you don’t pay attention and you allow people, or you allow, allow it to get outta control. And then all of a sudden people are like, Hey, let me uh, charge you X amount of dollars for this and we’re going to, uh, be expensive.
Okay? Uh, ’cause it can turn, it can turn pretty expensive the more you neglect your property. Uh, because whether just having to bring in, uh, more, more personnel or more equipment, or stronger equipment or bigger equipment or whatever it is, uh, you know, you there is that, that issue there as well. So folks, let’s not, uh, get too caught up in that situation. Let’s not get, let’s not let our properties go to the wayside. Uh, this is something that if we take care of, it’ll give us a, uh, a return on that investment. So, Tulsa Lawn Care community, uh, definitely think about different ways to take care of your property. Um, how many different companies do you want to have to follow up on when you know, looking after your property? If you want to follow up on 5, 4, 2, I mean, how many, uh, kid Grass taking names, lawn Care is a all in one company.
Uh, just call us. Uh, you know, you’ve gotta look at it like this. Either I can spend my time constantly looking for and following up on different companies to come out and clean my yard, service my yard, do this, do that. Or I can call one company. They can give me an annual schedule and say, Hey, this is the plan, this is what we’ll stick to. Okay? If anything changes, obviously we’ll contact you and let you know, Hey, we’re gonna adjust this here or there. But regardless, it is a set it and forget it. We don’t want you to have to sit here and go, oh yeah, I need to do this for my lawn. Oh yeah, I need to do that for my lawn. I don’t wanna have to think about it again. That’s kicking grass and taking names. Lawn care home of the $5 first phone. Uh, we are going to take care of you. We are going to make sure that, uh, your annual calendar is followed. Uh, you won’t have anything to worry about. If you, if you need and or want a service prior to the one that we have scheduled, that will be a different story. Meaning just let us know, Hey, can you move this up? Hey, can you adjust this? Otherwise expect
Notifications and, and reminders letting you know that we’re headed out. Okay? Uh, Tulsa Lawn Care Community, what we like to do typically is send a notification the day before to remind you. Things pop up. We understand, uh, we like to send a notification when we’re headed your way, and then we’ll send you a notification when services are complete. Okay? Uh, so again, your annual calendar will be set up. There’ll be anywhere from 26 to to 30 moss, depending on your lawn. Um, we’ll have everything, uh, figured out and assigned. Uh, the first year, we may have to move around a little bit on leaf removal if that’s part of your package, but, which is fine. Um, we don’t want to, uh, do it at the wrong time and there be still be leaves down or something like that. Uh, we wanna make sure everything that we’ve agreed to we accomplish and get done in a timely manner.
Uh, so after that first year though, uh, we’ll have a good idea of when your leaves are gonna fall. It also all depends on, uh, mother nature. Obviously this year the leaves are rather hanging on for dear life. Uh, they do not want to fall for anything, but that’s okay. They will eventually, and we’ll get everyone’s leaves picked up. Uh, so some things will, are, are set in, um, stone and some things are a little bit more flexible because obviously we wanna make sure our customers are taken care of. And again, that falls on us just to communicate, Hey, uh, we’ve decided to move this to this date, and things like that. So regardless, you’ll still know when we’re coming, when we’re headed your way, and how we’re gonna help you and make things better. So, give us a caller, 9 1 8 8 7 2 0 3 3 8. Let us know how we can help you. Let us know, uh, what we can do for you guys and for what great service that, uh, you guys will expect from us. Uh, check out your neighbors ’cause we’re probably already taking care of their lawn, especially if you like it. Um, otherwise, uh, just give us a call, give us a text, check our website out, see where we can help you, how we can help you. And, uh, let’s get you scheduled. We’ll see you out there. Green Country.