<silence> Good morning, Tulsa Lawn care community. Kevin here with kicking grass and taking names. Long care home of the $5 first. Mow, how you guys doing this morning? It is a beautiful fall morning. Uh, we’ve got a lot of cloud coverage, um, chance of rain, which we needed more back in like August, September to keep those grasses growing, but that’s okay. We won’t mind. Uh, let’s talk about the trees on your property. Uh, what I wanna talk about are trees on your property are low hanging branches. The low hanging branches, uh, need to be cleaned up. Uh, not just because they get in our way, hint, hint, but also because it’ll help growth with your lawn and keep it healthy and stronger. Um, I’m an absolute fan of trees. I think they’re great. I think they’re wonderful. You need to have a lot of trees on your property.

It really helps out with the aesthetic of the house and helps out with, um, so much, uh, like the utilities. What are you talking about? Aren’t you a yard guy? Yes. Yes. You’re absolutely right. I am a yard guy, but I’m a yard guy that has a brain and reads things. It’s absolutely amazing how this works. If you, if you have trees that help cover your house, then when the sun is baking everything and your tree is covered by the house, the foliage takes the brunt of the heat, which it’s naturally designed for. Uh, so no, nothing man can make will last. Like trees and plants and things like that, which is designed to, to take its energy and nourishment and growth from the sun. So having trees is great. Everything is work. It doesn’t matter what you do. You have a new build, brand new build, you scrape it off and you have no trees, no nothing, all that.

You know what? You have to work for money. So you can pay all the utility bills as it goes to the roof. That’s what you have to work for. So, Tulsa lawn care community, big fan of trees. Now having said that, we need to take care of those trees. Oh, there you are. Yeah, that’s how you’re gonna get us. Yeah, you’re right. Sure. That’s how I’m gonna get you. No, it’s so the trees don’t take over your house and cause actual damage and, and all sorts of chaos and stuff. From roots all the way to limbs. Uh, whatever you see up top is what’s going on underneath the tree or underneath the ground with the tree. So make sure you are taking care of your trees. Uh, the best thing to do so it grows nice, tall and healthy and strong, is to get those low hanging limbs. Uh, you clean up those lang low hanging limbs, you get them nice. You raise that canopy and all of a sudden you have grass. A lot of people who have trees don’t take care of ’em, and they have some very low hanging branches and then they wonder why their tree or their their yard is disappearing. Tulsa lawn care community, I’m telling you,

It’s because your canopy’s too low, plain and simple. I know it’s hard. I know it’s complicated. I I know it’s unfathomable to wrap your brain around, but it’s as simple as that. Raise that canopy. More light gets to your grass. It grows. Okay? You go from having dirt spots to green spots. Real simple, real easy. Something you definitely want to keep in mind when you’re taking care of your lawn. So it’s not just about mowing over seeding. It’s not just about aeration. It’s not just about, uh, all the other products you can put down on your lawn and make it grow. It’s also about just knowing nature and what works and what doesn’t. Um, there you gotta realize these things were designed to operate without any help from us. Okay? And, and again, I resort back to my best example on, uh, out there, and that’s the grass that grows along the side of the highway.

Everyone complains about, I can’t get the grass grow, da da da. But you look along the side of that highway, that grass grows no problem. And there is not a sole that goes out there and does anything to it for it with it, it, it does not get sprayed. It does not get, um, taken care of in any way, shape or form. Like people try to take care of their own personal lawns. Tulsa lawn care community grass is gonna grow when it gets water, wind, and sun. That’s, that is it. So if you want the grass to grow and you have a lot of trees, raise the canopy. Uh, it’s not hard. Um, most of it can be done from the ground. Um, but once your trees do get up there, you will need to call an arborist and have, uh, somebody come out and stuff.

In the meantime, with those young trees, kicking grass and taking names, long hair can more than happily, quickly, efficiently clean up that canopy for you. We will, uh, race it. We’ll get those annoying limbs out of our way that we keep bumping our heads into, and we’ll make it to where that you can walk out underneath your trees and be covered the entire time and not have to be ducking and dodging and, and things like that. Also, it’s good to get tree limbs off of the house. Uh, while you don’t want trees, uh, planted and butted up right next to your house. You also don’t want, um, trees that are way out there growing and touching the roof of your house and stuff like that. You wanna make sure really, that the limbs like directly over the house are, are taken care of, good, healthy, and strong.

’cause surprisingly, they’re extremely heavy. It’s, it’s, it’s crazy how it works. Uh, super, super dense, heavy, uh, can just crush a home like nothing. Doesn’t even have to be a big branch, okay? And what we perceive to be a big branch and what is a big branch are also two very different things. Until you get into that tree world, you really don’t know what, how much it can really weigh and, and, and things like that. Your perception is way off. And you sit there and scratch your head like, I don’t understand how heavy, why is this so heavy? It’s just a small little branch. There’s a lot of life in it. That’s why. So even the ones that are been dead for a while, they still have a lot of weight to them. So Tulsa lawn care, community racing, that canopy can only do good for your, uh, for your lawn.

That’s all it can do. It, it, it’s gonna make your house more appealing, more open, more lived in, taken care of. Uh, you won’t look like the, uh, uncaring neighbor of the neighborhood by letting all your foliage overgrow the house and cover up the, you know, your, your, your home and all that stuff. You’ll look like somebody that knows how to have a house that knows how to take care of it, knows how to take care of your grounds and knows how to keep it looking nice. Uh, we definitely want you guys to feel, uh, taken care of in your home. Uh, that we care about your home just as much as you do. Uh, our uh, best advertisement is your home looking its best. Um, again, if we can make your home look great, then your neighbors will want to, uh, use us and then we don’t have to travel as much ’cause we’ve got a nice compact route that is just everyone right there.

Um, that’s less wear and tear on our, our trucks. That’s less travel time and all that. ’cause if we put together the time that together that we actually mow and do all these things, it’s usually only four to four to six hours a day. But our days end up being around eight to nine hours a day simply because of drive time. Uh, so the more we can advertise and get your neighbors on board and get them to see the good work that we do for you, we’ll want the good work done for them. And that starts with making your house look good, making your lawn look good. And that’s gonna be raising the canopy. So Tulsa lawn care community, don’t be afraid to come out. Ask us about chopping some limbs down, cleaning up, getting the foliage outta the way, getting as much grass as you can everywhere and anywhere.

We want you guys to be comfortable enough that you can ask us for whatever it is and know that we’re gonna give you a fair price. Uh, again, we won’t be the cheapest, but we’re not gonna be the most expensive. We’re usually gonna be in the middle of everyone and we’ll get it done quickly and efficiently for you guys. So don’t be afraid. We don’t want you guys to miss out on opportunities to have a one of the best looking lawns in the neighborhood. ’cause when you look around, you’ll see your neighbors are taking care of their properties and are making sure they look good. And if you ever wonder who’s taking care of ’em, if it looks really good, it’s probably us kicking grass and taking names. Lawn care home of the $5 first. Mow, if it doesn’t look so good, it wasn’t us, it was the other guys.

But we definitely want you guys to call us at (918) 872-0338. Uh, check us out. Find us on the line at www.kickgrasstulsa.com. Check our gallery out, check our testimonials out, fill out our form to, to notify us. Just, just contact us. Let us know how we can and what we can do to help you. Uh, there’s many different ways to make a along look great. Um, and there’s a lot of, uh, variables out there that can contribute to, uh, the grass not growing and things like that. Uh, amount of nutrition in the ground. Do we need to add, uh, nitrogen or, or limestone or things like that to help with growth? Uh, how much sunlight is actually getting through? Do we have the right type of grass down there? Um, is there may be a tree sucking up all the nutrients that’s not a good tree for the area.

You know, all sorts of different things. So keep us in mind, 9 1 8 8 7 2 0 3 3 8. Let us know how we can come and trim those limbs and make the grass grow. All right? And all those lovely, uh, trees will create leaves and then we’ll have to mulch ’em and give you some free fertilizer. So there’s benefits everywhere. How you want to, uh, roll forward is up to you. And we’re gonna definitely want be the ones that take care of it for you guys. Uh, we’re gonna come out quick, clean and efficient. That way your neighbors can ask who did your lawn? And you can proudly say it was kicking grass and taking names. Lawn care. Give us a call. 9 1 8 8 7 2 0 3 3 8.