Good morning, Tulsa Long care community. Kevin here with kicking Grass and taking names. Long care home of the $5 first Mow. Just wanted to reach out to everyone and say happy, happy. Fourth, happy, uh, celebration of, uh, America, all that good fun stuff. And I wanna reach out to our, uh, solid listeners out there that are diehard kicking grass fans and love listening to my beautiful voice. Um, anyway, what I’m getting at is, uh, those infamous calls from your customers or new customers or just one timers who are reaching out and saying, Hey, by the way, if you wouldn’t mind, could you mow my yard before the fourth? Yes. Famous last of words, we hear from all of our customers out there, uh, Tulsa Lawn Care community. Uh, don’t be that person. Okay? There is a reason. Uh, we reach out in the springtime. There’s a reason we we do our due diligence and, and try to make contacts and things like that, doing it wrong.

If you’re a neighbor or something like that, and we can fit you in, hey, we’ll help you out. Former customer, somebody that we help out every once in a while, not a problem. We’re there. But don’t be the that thinks, oh, hey, I got a little bit of money. Let me dangle the carrot in front of you, mower guy, come get it. Do my bidding and my will for me. No, that is a very mood and I don’t appreciate that. None of us do. Okay? Uh, what we do appreciate, what we do enjoy are customers that are like, oh, yeah. Uh, come and mow my lawn for the season and schedule me out and figure me out and, and get everything organized for us. Uh, customers that reach out the last minute or, or people, or in general. I don’t even say customers.

’cause those, those aren’t customers. Those are, those are people who don’t plan, um, or think ahead or do anything, and their life is full of chaos. That’s, that’s what that is. While we try to do our best to help you guys out and accommodate your needs, please understand that we do have customers that have decided to plan out their summer and thought ahead to make sure they had all their days covered to get mowed and cover covered and all sorts of things, okay? Sitting there going and, uh, trying to find somebody last minute and, oh, man, I’ll pay you this, this, this. No, it’s, it’s not always about the money. You’re a onetime one and done deal. Great, wonderful, thanks. I’m glad you paid so much. Uh, but I need to go after the customer that’s gonna be loyal. I need to go after to the customer. That’s gonna be consistent. I need to go after the customer that’s gonna be like, oh, hey, that sounds like a great plan. Tulsa lawn care community, trying to always fix your lawn care around holidays and things like that is just,

It’s just not gonna work. So what you, if it, it ends up working out that way, naturally, that’s one thing. But if you’re always constantly, oh, can you move to this day? Can you move to that day? No sir. No sir, no ma’am. That just will not work out for us. Uh, we have a plan, we have a route, we have a, uh, a focus on how we’re getting things done today and jumping around, skipping around and doing all these little different things like that is not part of that focus or, and, or that plan. So that will not be working out for us at this time. Uh, and you know, and you know, most customers like, oh no, I’m the only customer in the world and, you know, you make your living off just buy one lawn. No, unfortunately, we don’t. Fortunately, there are more people that are understanding and, uh, and accommodating and, and know how the world works and are like, oh, hey, if you can fit me in, of course, those people, I feel Tulsa lawn care community are people who probably at one point had a little bit of an attitude about, oh, look at me and my beautiful lawn, and I own you because you’re my servant.

And then they kept burning through people and was struggling to find good people to come and work for them. And then they realized, you know what? I’m not the only customer in the world. I need to behave myself, otherwise, I’ll always deal with this frustration in my entire life. It’s a two way street. We respect you, you respect us, and, uh, we’ll get your lawn taken care of. Like I said, if you’re a good customer, we’ll see what we can do to, you know, rearrange things for you, things like that. But most of the time, just let the routes fall where they may, okay? And if, if our route doesn’t work out for you on a regular, that’s one thing. I understand that there are a lot of long guys out there. There are a lot of long guys out there that are more, are able to be more flexible than, than we are.

Uh, unfortunately, we, we try to build our routes for route density where we can get the most done and the least amount of time, uh, and make the biggest amount of profit. Um, that is, that is our goal, okay? Uh, you’ve gotta understand that, uh, this is a business, uh, it’s a business that, you know, we don’t want to have it taking up our entire life. Uh, but we, we understand it is a business and we need to get after and get things done. And, uh, we hope that you can see it that way and potentially, uh, be part of our, our great customer, uh, database and help us enjoy and grow. So, Tulsa Lawn Care community, uh, congrats taking names of lawn care, wants to come out and help you out and get your lawn mowed before the fourth, after the fourth, um, before holiday after holiday. It doesn’t matter. We want to come out there and be the ones to take care of you. Uh, we always get those calls last minute if, if we, if you can fit us in, if you can fit us in. And, and sometimes it works out. I got a couple calls this week and I’m like, well, yeah, you’re along my route. Hey, thank you. At the very least, they called at least a week ahead. Hey, can you fit me in not the day before. If you’re the day before, good luck. God bless.

Good speed. Okay. Um, but I mean, I had, I don’t know, a handful of customers reach out the week before. Hey, if there’s a way, if there’s a way, could you possibly key phrases, key words, they use politeness, kindness, understanding. Yeah, I’m gonna try to help you out. No, you’re on the other side of the world. Can’t do it buddy. So sorry. You know, but they know beforehand. We know beforehand we can make arrangements. We can make this happen. Okay? Um, of course, mowing is a, uh, five to seven day a week operation. Uh, so it doesn’t matter if your mo day falls on a holiday, we will show up unless for some reason you’re just like, oh no, please skip. Then hey, we will, we will gladly skip and move on and, uh, get you on the next round by far. Uh, so mowing lawns on holidays, not a big deal.

We take care of you. We get you guys looking good, uh, looking nice. Tulsa lawn care community to mow or not to mow. That is the question. Uh, and the answer is to mow, obviously, of course, always we wanna mow. Why? Because if we mow, it’s easier, uh, to con maintain, to compete, to contain. Um, it’s, it’s just all around a much easier job to to mow your lawn on a weekly basis and get it taken care of, uh, holiday or no holiday. We don’t mind. Um, ’cause it just makes our job easier in the long run. Uh, we are trying to design it to where we’re done in an early, early time, uh, to maximize, uh, efficiency and, and different things like that. So, so many people out there, uh, think we need to mow from Don till dusk. And, and some people do, and that’s fine.

And if you’re one of those guys that dos, that’s great. That was me a few years back. I understand that. I’m not saying you shouldn’t, but, uh, at this point in my game, I am no longer wanting to do that. Uh, there are times I have to, um, here recently we had little, some malfunctions with our mowers and we had to go and, uh, run around and take a little bit longer on some lawns and then get, borrow a mower here and, but hey, we got it done. Uh, so yeah, that was, uh, that was a win. That was a plus. That was a wonderful and great glorious day. Okay, so yeah, folks, uh, mowing, uh, holidays. Not a big deal. Uh, we try to keep it fast, simple and free. Uh, you know, and, and let us know beforehand too if, if that is your day and you got something planned at your location, you know, so maybe we need to come out earlier.

Maybe we need to flip our route. Maybe we need to just move you to the day before or, or whatever just to accommodate. Uh, we’re not trying to get you guys to, you have to deal with us in the middle of your stuff, but we’re also trying to make sure we can get, get you taken care of and, and looking good, looking sharp. We wanna make sure you guys are, are looking great for your, uh, cus your not customers, but your, uh, your friends and your family that come over and visiting and all that stuff. Uh, there is a reason why you pay us to do your lawn and, uh, it is so you don’t have to worry about it and stuff like that. So we hope you, uh, find our ability to come and mow at will or that in fact we’re willing to mow on holidays and things like that.

A plus. Um, we are going to make you guys look good and strong and beautiful and we want to, uh, just ask that you help consider the week ahead, think ahead. Uh, remember we are coming to mow your lawn and we are coming to, uh, make it look grand and grandioso and all that good fun stuff. Uh, we don’t want to leave you guys hanging out there just because it’s a holiday. We know everyone likes to celebrate. Uh, but everyone else likes to look good as they do. So, uh, kick congrats on taking the language lawn care home, the $5 first meal. We want to come out and make you guys look great. Uh, give us a holler, uh, let us know. Let’s, let’s both plan and prepare to take care of your lawn. 9 1 8 8 7 2 0 3 3 8. Uh, $5 first. Mow, you can’t even get a milkshake, French fry and burger for, uh, five bucks. Heck, you can’t even get a large milkshake for five bucks. It’s almost $6 now. So yeah, that’s out there. Um, so folks call us, we’ll be wonderful. We’ll be magnificent. We will make you guys super happy and all the above. So we’ll see you out there. Enjoy call us and we’ll vote for you.