<silence> Good morning, Tulsa long hair, community. Home is where the heart is, folks, today we’re gonna talk about grass and all the wonderful benefits it brings to our lawn, where it grows, where it can’t grow, and where it does, uh, not want to grow. So grass can be a finicky thing, folks. Uh, my name’s Kevin. I’m, uh, with kicking grass and taking names. Lawn care, uh, we are one of Tulsa’s Best and most premiered, uh, lawn maintenance company in the area. Um, to put it mildly, and not to brag too loudly, we, uh, we show up on time. We show up when we say we’re going to, and, uh, we take care of our business.
Um, we’re pretty relentless. We’re pretty, uh, we’re pretty robotic in that sense, so we’re gonna be there and be, and be there for you, so your lawn will get, uh, handled the way it needs to and, and all that good fun stuff. So, Tulsa Lawn Care community, we want to come out and make sure grass is where it needs to be. I’m sure you’re saying yourself. Well, of course it’s gonna be where it needs to be. Why wouldn’t it? What do you mean by, uh, that? Well, sometimes grass grows where it doesn’t need to. Like flower beds, we can come and take care of that. We can come and remove the grass from said flower beds and make that flower bed look like a flower bed and not part of the yard, where some strange, crazy, weird looking things are growing out of the yard, known as bushes or plants or whatever, or whatever have you.
So we also wanna make sure grass is where it should be. Okay? So we’re gonna make sure we grow it at the proper height, or grow it, I’m sorry, mow it at the proper height. Uh, we don’t want to, um, mow it too low, and, uh, depending on the type of grass it is, it, you know, it can’t happen and we don’t wanna leave it too high. And then, again, depending on the type of grass it is, it can’t happen. Uh, and mainly what I’m talking about when I say that stuff is, you know, like Bermuda is our main grass here in, uh, uh, green country, and you can mow it pretty low, um, and the highest you wanna leave it, but there’s probably about a three, somewhere around a three inch ballpark. Okay? Um, ain’t go wrong. You maybe leave it a little bit longer than that. In some areas, it’s like that for the most part, you know, it gets really scraggly really quickly, so you want to kind of keep it in check. Uh, Bermuda is a really good short grass. It looks really nice, uh, when it’s cut down and maintained. Doesn’t really, won’t be able to hide a lot of things. And, and it’s just overall just really, really nice. Really, really, really clean looking. So again, to lawn care community, kicking grass, taking his lanes. Lawn care wants to be here to take care of that grass,
Okay? If you’re on the side of the house and you’ve got a neighbor that’s 10 feet from you, that side, there’s gonna be no grass. So let’s come in and put something else in there. Mulch crushed granite, gr you know, walkable, gravel, just pavers. Something, something else that’s just gonna work out better for you. So you don’t, one, you don’t have a muddy pit, and two, you’re not fighting with nature. Oh, why can’t I get grass to grow here? Blah, blah, blah. Well, because genius, no matter what kind of grass it is, it needs some sort of sunlight. And if you got a two story tall, uh, home on either side of this section with an eight foot tall, uh, fence, yeah, there’s a reason why grass won’t grow. Okay? You, you can put all the nutrients, everything down, but at the end of the day, if it can’t get the sunlight that it needs, forget about it.
So, turf, gravel, crush, granite mulch, something, something else. So you have a walkable path, a usable path, an area that you’re not looking down going, Ooh, that’s gross. And then up all the trash, end up going down there. Um, keep your spot clean, folks, let’s go. Keep it clean, keep it tidy, keep it taken care of. Let’s, let’s not sit here and waste, uh, land and, and just let it turn to yuck and mush and, and all sorts of stuff. Uh, folks, we really wanna make sure we’re taking care of our properties and make sure we maintain ’em. Kick grass and taking names. Lawn care wants to do that for you. Tulsa Lawn Care community, uh, by no means we want to allow you to have a, a lawn that is just unkept, untaken care of un on everything. So keep in mind all, all the things that, that I’m saying here.
Okay, let’s have grass where we need it and not where we don’t. There are a lot of places where the grass can, can grow and thrive, and there’s some places where we just need to do something else, uh, make it better in another way or format or type of, I don’t know, underlying beautiful, creative sort of, what have we done? Oh, that’ll work type of thing. Uh, anything outta the blue, you know, we can, we, anything walkable, anything that’ll keep the area, you know, uh, usable and clean at the end of the day, you know, um, there’s always so many different things you can do in so many different ways you can accomplish this. Um, having, um, turf is, is wonderful. Uh, very, very small, very few things. Uh, get there and then you, you know, it’ll look green, it’ll look great. Uh, you know, you’ll, it’ll be great.
No issues, uh, whatsoever. Uh, you’ll just have to come in, rinse it down every once in a while for, you know, any sort of animal droppings or things like that. But I mean, man turf, great. Gran it great, you know, self-cleaning, then at that point, um, grab all that stuff. So, uh, grass growing where it needs to, it’s what we specialize in. Grass growing where it does not need to is another thing that we specialize in. We’d be glad to come in and just go ahead and cover it up with something else. Or, uh, keep adding on and, and dropping the nutrients that’s that are needed. And that way it’ll grow. And we’ll have a nice looking lawn. Be the end of the neighborhood. Remember, if, uh, your lawn looks bad, we look bad. Uh, if your lawn is not desired by your neighbors, uh, or they don’t ask who takes care of it, we are not doing our job.
Tulsa Lawn Care community, you need to understand you are our biggest advertisement, okay? Uh, we will be always trying to perform our best on your lawn. So your neighbors will want us to service their lawn. Um, it’s always easier and better for us to have a lawn, 2, 3, 4 lawns grouped together than it is to be spread out all over town. And that’s how we would prefer to take over your neighborhood simply on a row, day by day. It’d be awesome to be on run one row, one day, another road the next. I mean, just nothing could be better for us. So folks, grass where it needs to be. That’s what we do here at Kicking Grass. Uh, we, we make sure that grass is green. We make sure that grass is mowed, trimmed, looking nice. A lot of wonderful things going on in our service industry.
There’s lots of things that we do. You know, we, we can, uh, change up the type of fence gate that you have, make it more, see through that way the light can get through better, the wind can get through better, uh, because that’s all you really need is sunlight and wind. Uh, a little bit of rain and the wind helps dry it out quick. So that way it’s a very drivable or manageable process. And then you guys are well manicured and taken care of and, and on the way and all about that good stuff. So, Tulsa lawn care community, kicking grass and taking names, lawn care home, the $5 for smoke, knees, wants and truly desires to be the long care company, uh, of your choice. Uh, refer us out to your friends and family. Uh, get us to help take care of all your, uh, different quirks and needs.
Uh, we really do appreciate all the different methods and, and things that you guys have going on there. Uh, one of the best things that we can do for you is provide, uh, a good quality service with your grass. Um, we, we can always make sure we take care of that grass where it does not need to be. Make sure it’s lowered and edge up just right. Uh, we want to get rid of the grass in the cracks and stuff like that. We do have, uh, things that we can use to help keep those areas in. Check to make sure the grass does not grow there. Uh, some secrets of the trade, if you will. We wanna make sure that we are all on the same page when we do these things though, we don’t want people to be, uh, upset or, uh, mad that we use certain things and stuff like that.
Most of the stuff we can use can be as far as getting rid of the grass can be very organic. Uh, not from a company, uh, but from, uh, you know, lovely mother nature as attended. So folks, we are kicking grass and taking names. Lawn help the $5 first. Mow, we are here to take care of you and get you mowed. Uh, get that grass mowed where it needs to be and get that grass removed where it does not need to be. Uh, how many places can that be? There’s a lot. Okay. You got a space that’s about anywhere from, I don’t know, three inches to three feet between the fence and the garage. You’re not gonna have grass there. Okay? Those are, those are the key places that the grass will die. So do not even waste your a moment thought on, oh, what type of grass?
’cause it ain’t gonna grow. Uh, your thought needs to be, oh, what type of material should I put down here, uh, to keep this place as tidy as possible before it gets junked up with life, okay? And what I mean by that is, I don’t know, a ladder on the side, um, wheelbarrow tools, who knows what else you can figure out to put there, but definitely something that will take up space and attract all sorts of different things, so to speak. So folks kicking grass to taking names. Long care home with the $5 first mill wants to be the ones that come out and take care of your lawn. Wants to be the ones that come out and help that grass, uh, get maintained and look lovely and all the above. So if you are in need of lawn care and you are wanting to do a lot of changes, that will better your house, your lawn, and your look and perception to the neighborhood, call us at (918) 872-0338. Uh, get on our books. Let us take care of you, let us help you, let us guide you. Let us be the ones to make that lawn come back to life, folks. We’ll see you out there when we mow your lawn.