<silence> Good morning, Tulsa Lawn Care community. This is Kevin with Kick Grass and taking names Lawn Care home of the $5 first. Mow. How we doing out there folks? Are we enjoying summer yet? It is summer. Are we enjoying that Heat? Heat is on. It is. It is on. It is hot. So if we got a pool, we got bodies of water next to us, we’re probably enjoying it pretty well. How’s that lawn doing? Huh? Are you think the lawn’s ready for it? Are you ready for it? Are you ready to understand what your lawn needs, folks? Let’s talk about cutting heights. What you doing? What do you mean cutting heights, Kev? Well, what do I mean is that your lawn needs to be cut at a certain height depending on the weather. No, man, just scrape it real low. I don’t want it to grow.

You say that now. So I’ll do that. What ends up happening after 2, 3, 4 mos? I’m beating scraped real low. The lawn says, all right, fine, I’m done. And it quit growing and it dies. Then you got mud pit and then you’re like, what’d you do to my lawn? I did what you wanted. No you didn’t. Yeah, yeah I did. For instance, taking it down one notch like the customer requests and all of a sudden you’re uh, scalping it in spots. What’d you scalp it? Well, you told me to lower the height. Yeah, but I told you to scalp it. Yeah, but you don’t understand. Lawns aren’t even My lawn is flat. Yeah, sure it is. Go out there and walk it or, or take a bower to it. Even a small little push mower. Watch out. We beeps and bobbles and weebles and wobbles. Yeah, you’re right.

It is flat. Mm-Hmm, <affirmative>, you’re so know your lawn. Speaking of knowing your lawn, do you know what type of grass you have? Do you know the type of grass that your lawn or the type of grass height to cut your lawn at? Well, yeah. Whoa. That’s absolutely smart. Beautiful. You are just a genius. Tulsa lawn care community height depends on season and types of grass. If you have fescue, which is a cool weather grass, you may, may not even really mow it during June, July, August ’cause it’s not gonna want to grow, number one. Number two, um, it just, it just wants to be nice and cool and, and long. Then there’s Bermuda.

Oh yeah, Bermuda Berda is a short one. You gotta just keep it short all the time. No, it depends on what you have. If you have golf course, Bermuda, yeah, you’re right. You can absolutely keep it short and it’s gonna look great and it’s, and it’s never gonna look like it needs to be mowed. You’re true. If you have regular Bermuda, like the majority of us, um, it needs to be cut between, I don’t know, about two and three quarters, three inch and uh, about three and a half to four inch by the end of the season. Okay? Really three to four inches is the ballpark that you want to have Bermuda at. Um, and because it depends, maybe you have it mixed with fescue and things like that. So you wanna maybe, in my opinion, have it all at the same height. But, you know, that’s just me.

Looks nice, looks clean, uniform. Uh, the last thing you want to do is, is scrape it and, and keep it really low. Well, why? And it won’t grow fast. You’re right. ’cause it’s dying. It’s fighting for life. Uh, you’re murdering your grass, uh, Tulsa lawn care community. What you’re not understanding is your Bermuda needs to be a certain height so it can grow. If, if you keep it at a higher, higher height, it’s not gonna grow as fast. ’cause it’s not trying to quickly make up the height that you cut it down to. The other thing is the weeds will be more pronounced. Uh, then the grass will, because the weeds grow much faster for whatever reason. I have no clue. But your grass won’t grow as fast and then eventually it won’t grow because you have decided to keep it cut so short. But the weeds will still pop out and you’ll have just weird patches everywhere.

And so you won’t be happy with that either. So your best bet is to let your lawn care professional take care of your lawn the way it needs to be taken care of. Not necessarily the way you believe or feel. It needs to be taken care of. ’cause at the end of the day, you want a nice looking lawn, a clean looking lawn, not set. Not so much a, uh, this is how I want it lawn. And if you do, eh, maybe you should get out there and do it yourself. That way you can have the headache and see that you’re wrong and the way you’re wanting to keep your grass. So Tulsa lawn care community taking care of grass is not hard. It is just, you need to listen to it and let it tell you. ’cause if you’re in a shaded area and you’re like, well, I’m just gonna throw down Bermuda, okay, fine. You do that, your grass won’t survive very long.

But you know, who am I to say, why would you want to put uh, fescue down, which is designed for shaded areas? Why would you do that? That’s just smart. No, I wanna make sure we, uh, put down what I want. Okay, cool. And then you wonder why, and I don’t know, a year or two, you have no grass underneath your trees and you’re looking at barren spots and you can’t get grass to grow. You just don’t understand. And you’re like, I I I put stuff down. Okay, cool. Well do you put stuff down that goes there? That’s always the main important thing. So folks take care of grass should be relaxing. And it is for, for most, most of the majority of our customers here are kicking grass and taking names, long hair, uh, just keep back relaxed and enjoy the grass that we give ’em.

Uh, there are a few that decide to tell us how they want everything done and all that. And they usually don’t make it to be perfectly honest. Uh, ’cause those are the clients that are never happy. Those are the clients that are always looking for problems. And those are the clients that are always changing providers. Uh, which is fine. Uh, because you know, after doing this for a while within a mow or two, I can quickly tell, ah, you’re one of those, it’s not gonna work out too well. Uh, we’re definitely gonna have to, uh, go ahead and end ties and move on. Let them move on to the next one because I already know they’re gonna be looking and calling constantly and texting. Oh hey, uh, no, it needs to be, can we cut at this high? Can, eh, can we just let us do our thing?

And then you enjoy your lawn? No. Oh, okay. I understand you have a great day. So Tulsa lawn care community cutting grass, depending on type of grass and seasons, okay? Uh, your fescue types of grass are gonna grow more in the spring and in the fall and they’re be, need to be more frequently cut. Uh, as I mentioned before, you may or may not need to cut them in, uh, during the hot summer months. ’cause maybe they grow, maybe they don’t. I don’t know. It just all kind of depends and varies. Um, and then your Bermuda, your Bermuda, you’re gonna have to cut and you’re gonna have to kinda like go up as the season goes. The hotter it gets, the, the higher the, you want to get with the, um, the height of your Bermuda, you know, maxing out somewhere between three and a half, four inches.

Uh, no more than four inches. Bermuda over four, uh, starts to get, uh, I don’t know, not not looking so hot, but, uh, three and a half, four inch Bermuda is, is good. It’s clean, keeps everything nice. Uh, definitely something that you want to, uh, maintain. And, and that’s where you’re gonna be at by the end of the season anyway. So Tulsa lawn care community, maintaining grass is not hard. Just allowing your lawn care professional. The reason why you hired him to do it is the, is the best thing to do. Uh, he’s gonna be the one to take care of and provide all the necessary items needed for your lawn and making sure it’s cut at the right height. Uh, cutting it too short also allows for disease to set in. Um, it doesn’t allow the grass to, uh, use its strength and in, in numbers against the one or two little things that like to pop in and try to destroy lawns and stuff like that.

So you really want to, uh, watch that area and make sure you maintain a decent height for your lawn. There, there is a catch. You don’t want your lawn to get outta control, okay? And, and, and be overgrown because then when you do mow it, it’s gonna self kill it. And what I mean by that is you’ll have so much junk cut up that it’ll just blanket your other grass and end up choking it to death. And that’s just really not what you want to do. So folks, look, enjoy the lawn. Let us cut it at a height. I know if you want a really low grass, then re turf your lawn completely.

Okay? That’s what’s gonna get you really low grass end of discussion on it. Okay? But if, if you’re gonna sit here and, and try to make your grass do something that it’s not designed to do, you’re not gonna get the results you want. You’re get frustrated to keep burning through companies. Hey, don’t get me wrong. There’s enough companies out there for you to change every week if you want. Okay? Eventually, maybe after four or five years, probably not even that. You may never, uh, have to recycle. But, uh, you definitely want to know your grass and know what it needs. So get out there, let your lawn care professional do his thing and enjoy the lawn. That’s all you have to do is sit back and enjoy that lawn. Don’t over complicate it. Don’t overthink it. Don’t over anything it, okay, let’s, let’s go out there and, and have a enjoyable lawn season.

Okay? And by that is just understanding and seeing that it’s going to be taken care of by your lawn care professional the way it needs to, and knowing that it needs to be cut by the type of grass, location of the grass and season that we’re in. That is definitely the one of the better ways to have your lawn taken care of because the more you’re involved, you might as well just be the one mowing it. And this is not what we’re here for you to do. We’re here to take care of you and have you enjoying that. So give us a call, 9 1 8 8 7 2 0 0 3 8 and check us out on our website, www.ingresstulsa.com. We’ll see you out there and we’ll mow for you.