<silence> Good morning. Tulsa Lawn care community. Kevin here with kicking grass and taking names. Lawn Care home with a $5 first. Mow, we are out and about making longs look mowed. They grow. We mow. It’s crazy how that works. Uh, they, they started growing. We started mowing. We love mowing yards. So folks, what are we doing out there? Mowing. We are mowing the yards. What are we doing out there with those yards? We’re cutting ’em. I know. It’s hard. It’s complicated. It’s a very sophisticated, uh, system that we have in place here, folks. So as we like to talk about topic of the day, is grass clumping, what’d you say? I said grass clumping folks, we do not want to let yards grow super tall. ’cause if we let the yards grow super tall, then what’s gonna happen when we mow, we’re going to have to either bag, which will take a lot extra time and deprive the yard of essential nutrients, or we’re gonna have to leave the grass clippings on the ground.
And those are gonna be in huge, giant, thick clumps. Uh, well you can rake, blah, blah, blah. Do all that right? You can, you can absolutely, you can rake, you can make it better. You can do all this other garbage and whatever. Um, but what I really want to point out to on that matter is why not mow it every week? Keep it short. Keep it tidy. That way the grass is getting the nutrients it needs in a proper dosage that won’t suffocate it or choke it to death because it’s got too much, you know, excess waste from the, from the dead grass. Tulsa lawn care community, Boeing weekly is, is, is a, is a great, great move. Oh, but my grass doesn’t grow oddly enough. Yes it does. Regardless of your, what you believe, uh, the fact remains, your grass does grow. Uh, it may not look hideous if you’re that type of person that likes to wait till your grass looks hideous, be like, oh my gosh, it needs to be mowed.
You’re right. It may not look hideous, but it needs to be mowed and ’cause there’s a lot of benefits to mowing weekly. Um, the benefit being the grass clippings, free fertilizer. Why not have free fertilizer? Why not have, uh, the easy access to, to all these extra nutrients in your system? Okay? There’s no reason to sit there and wait until it’s like two feet tall and be like, oh, I think the grass needs to be grown. Mow it down and then leave these massive, massive piles of grass clumps here, there everywhere. Then you end up with dead spots and you’re like, what’s going on in my yard? I don’t understand. It’s quite simple, really. You’re lack of maintenance on the yard. You need to understand it’s important to do these things. It’s important to get, um, grass clippings spread out evenly throughout the yard. Ain’t we wrong?
Sometimes you need a bag. That’s fine. You know, being in the beginning of the year, you want to bag your yard. So Tulsa lawn care community call kicking grass and taking names long here at the beginning of the season. And we will come and bag your yard. We’ll get all that dead stuff off, scrape the winter stuff away and uh, yeah, have it ready to go for springtime. But again, sitting there and just mowing it every once a month is, is not good for the yard. And it provides a, is a shock system. ’cause you go from a really tall grass to really short grass. So the grass is like, whoa, what just happened? It, it is a living, breathing thing that you are trimming back. Uh, it, it’s designed to be cut but in stages, not in massive amounts. Okay? So you have to understand that.
You have to, uh, understand that we need proper control of the yard in order for it to look its best and keep away the critters and all the other things. ’cause the longer you allow your yard to get, the more things will sneak in and get in and make a home and then start to come into your house and do all sorts of things like that. And that’s the last thing you want to do. You don’t wanna allow, uh, pests and environments and bugs and insects and all that stuff. A place to hang out and, uh, come in and take over your, your home. You, you wanna make sure they, they don’t have a spot to chill. So Tulsa Lawn Care Company, we want you guys out there getting taken care of. And that’s what we do here at Kick. Congrats to taking names. Lawn Care, we come out, we provide that weekly service.
We get that lawn looking good and nice even and flat. Uh, the grass is gonna be mowed. It’s gonna be mowed at a good height. It’s not gonna have clumps. Uh, you’re not gonna have issues of bugs and headaches and things like that because you’re maintaining it on a regular basis. Um, that is the, the best way to have a nice green, lush lawn. Does it happen overnight? No, it doesn’t. Especially if you move into a property that has not been taken care of at all, then you really need to start, uh, going after it, okay? Throwing down a lot of bug stuff, some fertilizer, you know, things like that. And within a year you’ll, your grass will be green, it’ll be healthy. The weeds will be choked out. Uh, it’ll be really nice. But again, make sure you do not allow your grass to overgrown.
That is it. That’s simply how it is. Uh, ’cause it also, it’s longer to dry out. Uh, the more thicker grass that you have there. Um, the sun can’t penetrate through the gra uh, to the ground as much. Uh, ’cause you’ve got this giant, massive amount of grass in the way and then, you know, smells start to happen. All sorts of craziness. It’s never a good, uh, event when, when you allow your grass to overgrow and take over and become this massive and enormous thing. So Tulsa lawn care community, uh, clumping is bad. Clumping is just not what you want. At the very least, you know, you want to have your, your blower or something to blow away those clumps and spread it out and stuff. And then you’re also gonna realize that clum, that clumping causes your mower to miss sections of your yard.
So you go back through and you blow it all around and all that, and all of a sudden you’ve got these and you’re like, oh, my mower doesn’t work. No, folks, you’ve gotta realize it. It’s your thought process. It’s your way. You’re doing things. You know, these, these are manmade machines going against some other nature. Well, we should be able to handle that. We’ve made this massive strong machine. Yeah, wonderful. Great. Guess what? Mother Nature grows grass through concrete. So you know what Mother Nature wins, no matter the the biggest, baddest, strongest, greatest, whatever machine we make, if you do not adhere or follow to regular maintenance rules, then you, your machine and you will have to do extra work. Plain and simple. Does not, how matter how big a machine it is, it doesn’t matter if it’s a giant massive tractor. Mother nature will win.
She will clog that machine up. She will bog you down. She will break it. So you have to make sure you are maintaining that lawn on a regular basis. Not causing plumps, not allowing the yard to get overgrown, not allowing the yard to uh, turn into, uh, house infested, uh, vart and insect land. Uh, okay. That’s, that’s what all that stuff does. When you have, um, you know, really tall grass and then clumping and all that stuff, it’s, it’s hard on the machines, it’s hard on the person. It’s, it’s it, the grass starts to smell. It’s, it’s absolutely horrible. So, Tulsa lawn care community, you want to weekly mow, get that lawn taken care of, get that lawn in shape, get that lawn somewhere, some way, somehow that you are looking nice and keeping it, getting it maintained. You do not want to have those clumps.
Uh, just a long story short, it’s a real big headache ’cause they’re still gonna be there the next time you go mo. So then you have last week’s or two weeks ago, three weeks ago, clumps on top of whatever clumps you’re about to create. And it just starts a, a horrible process that you just can’t get out of. Okay? And then you’re like, well, I’ll just go and blow on up. But you’re causing, the whole thing about it is you’re causing extra work. It is so much easier to go mo and be done, okay? Uh, when you do it on a regular, when you get it down to a science, uh, you know, no matter if you’re the homeowner, whatever it is, you’re, you’re getting it. That yard done. 20 minutes, 20 minutes, easy work. The mower does it all. It’s looking sharp, it’s looking clean, it’s looking crisp.
It’s no clumping. Things are spread out. Everything’s spraying the way it needs to, uh, the yard’s getting, uh, free fertilizer wherever it needs to get it. And, and, and all that stuff. You’re not having bald spots ’cause you don’t have a giant massive clump of, of stuff. There might be a little bit of excess here or there that you just blow, but it blows out evenly dispersed. It’s, it’s great. It’s easy. Very, very little to hard extra work when you, when you maintain the lawn on the regular. Okay? Uh, so many good benefits to keep that lawn looking nice, clean and crisp. Okay? Uh, so remember clumping bad, mowing regularly. Great. Uh, yard. Happy happy yard, happy wife, happy wife, happy life as they say oh something, say Happy spouse, happy house. So however you want to look at it. ’cause some women like to mow the yards.
Uh, either way, if, if she mows it on the regular, she’ll be happy. If, uh, you vote on the regular, she’ll be happy, uh, because your yard will be looking great. All right? So remember, no clumping out there Tulsa. Call us, get your $5 first. Mow, we’ll get you taken care of. We’ll, uh, make you look hot and special, uh, envy of the neighborhood. 9 1 8 4 0 0 9 1 8 8 7 2 0 3 3 8. That is the number to call, text and or whatever. And we will, uh, text you back and get you set up. Check our website out, www.kickinggrasstulsa.com. Uh, and you can message us through there as well. Alright, Tulsa, we’ll see you out there on the green side.