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Good morning, Tulsa long care community. Kevin here with kicking grass and taking names long care home. Oh, the $5 first Mo, wanna talk to you guys out there about first impressions? All right. What I mean by that is, you know, you’re having your lawn done. And so you want your house to have a good first impression. What are your first impressions when your lawn guy shows up in a rickety old Tulsa Lawn Care boat of a truck, duct tape together trailer, and all sorts of gizmos and gadgets flung together, trying to keep things from falling apart and other crazy things like that. I’m not too sure if you have too good of a first impression. However, I feel a lot of people in the industry have set the bar there. I feel that as a lot of the expectations for people, uh, who hire people in the mowing industry, how would you feel having a guy show up in a new truck, a slick trailer, clean equipment, would that not give you a better vote of confidence for the individual? Maintaining your lawn? First impressions are important. You want to present yourself as professional, no matter what you do in this life.
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You want your set yourself apart and let people know that you are a contender, that you are here to do business and not possibly flake out and never show up again. Tulsa lawn care, community, kicking grass and taking names. I’ve upgraded their equipment, upgraded their rides. We had good equipment before we have great equipment. Now let us come out. You’ll be proud to have us parked out in front of your home, taking care of your property. You will not be like, oh, can you guys SuperDuper? Hurry it up so you can get your rig that is falling apart and leaking oil out of my neighborhood. We maintain our vehicles. We maintain our equipment, make sure the screws are in and the belts are tight. Key grass. Taking names. Lawn care wants to be a sought after company for the good things for our workmanship, for our ability to be on time for our customer service, for the quality that we’re gonna leave. And the impression that we’re gonna give your neighborhood, we do not want to be sought after for our trucks leaking and our mowers leaving parts around that is not our intent. So just like with your home, you wanna leave a good first impression. When people come and visit, you wanna leave at a first impression on your neighbors. You want them to know that you ha have your home taken care of that. It’s quality. Many, many good things come from looking good,
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Not to sound vain. Just one should take pride in the way one’s business looks and or home. And that’s what we do at kicking grass and taking names. Lawn care. We take pride in the way we look. We take pride in the way your home looks your home. Not only reflects you, but it also reflects us Tulsa lawn care community. When we make your home look good, we make kicking grass and taking names. Look good. And that’s what we want to do. Our best advertisement is your home. Our best testimony is you bragging to your neighbors. How you don’t have to worry about your lawn care. You are taken care of. You are provided for, and you have the time freedom to do what you want. Kicking grass and taking names, lawn care home of the $5 first Mo we’re out here making your lawn look great. So you don’t have to. We want to be that worry free chore checker that you can knock off the list and do something better with your time. Get those first impressions taken care of, have solid confidence in our ability know that we are here to provide for you,
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Tulsa us a long care community. How many times have you gone through the neighborhood or pulled up to a neighbor’s house? And you see this duct taped together, truck trash bag in the window D everywhere, two different, three different colors going on a trailer that has wood on it from seven to 10 years ago, a mower from you don’t know what era smoke coming out of every offices of the mower, truck and the trailer, which doesn’t even have an engine. And you know, when you’re sitting there wondering yourself, where’s the smoke coming from? Is that something or someone that you’d want parked out in your neighborhood? Let alone your house. No, of course not kicking grass and taking names. Lawn care takes pride in making sure we look good, making sure we are clean, washed, ready to go. Like your plumbers shirt tucked in belts, belts on kicking grass and taking names, lawn care, clean trucks, washed mowers, ready to roll. We don’t want to carry diseases from one lawn to the next. We, we want you to know that we are here to provide you a clean mowing Tulsa Lawn Care service. We want you to know we are here to provide you a
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Clean looking environmentally, clean mowing service. Our equipment is maintained and tuned, so we’re not leaking or smoking. We wanna be the ones out in the neighborhood that people are proud to have there and do not mind. When we park our nice trucks and Riggs out front, keep everything organized, lean, and mean kicking grass and taking names. Lawn care home with a $5 first moan out there, providing Tulsa Lawn Care service in neighborhoods that are proud to show us off. Just like we wanna be proud to show off your neighborhood, tell us a lawn care community. Again, I implore that you are our best advertisement. The better we do with your lawn, the better we look to our other customers. And that’s exactly what we want to do. We want to show off with what we’ve done to your beautiful property, with our good equipment and our skills and our patience. We also wanna brag how well it’s going to look for you. And you had to do little to no effort. So you have your weekends back to do what you want with how you want with and who you want with kicking grass and taking names. Lawn care home of the $5. First mow
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Wants to take care of the Tulsa lawn care community. We wanna provide you guys with a service second to none. We want to give out freedom cards, freedom cards you ask. Yes, freedom cards. We’re gonna make your lawn look great. We’re gonna give you the freedom to do what you want. We’re gonna provide a service to where you’ll tell your neighbors, allow us to pick up more lawns. We’ll make you look good. We’ll like, we’ll make you look great. Kicking grass and taking names long here takes first impressions. Seriously. We know from the moment you call email, text, or reach out to us, our first impression is gonna be our timely response to you. We want to show you that we will respond. However you respond to us and we wanna show you when we show up on time, ready to work, how serious we take your property. We wanna show that show you that if we represent ourselves well, we’re gonna represent you. Well, the better we respond and the better we give you the needs that you are requesting for your lawn,
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The more confident you’ll have in us. And you’ll know that will provide you with a great service, giving your lawn a great look to provide good and first impressions to all the people in your neighborhood and or friends and family coming over. It’s always nice to hear how well your lawn looks and how much it’s changed. Even from people that come to your house. All the time. Reason being you’ll have time. Freedom, nothing is better than time. Freedom getting to do what you want when you want, how you want. And that’s the main thing we wanna provide for you at kicking grass and taking names, lawn care home with a $5 first mow, get us out there. Get us taken care of you refers to a friend and or family. Get a, get them to sign up for a monthly mow and get another $5. Mow. Also remember your Mo that first one for five bucks, that $5 is donated to the school district of your choice. Let us know what school district you want us to donate to, and we will reach out, bring us out, help us out, help us, help your community, kicking grass and taking names long care home of the $5 first Mo Tulsa, give us a call at (918) 406-2019. Or check our website out at www dot kick and grass, tulsa.com.
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We’ll see you out there.