<silence> Good morning, Tulsa Lawn Care community. This is Kevin here with kicking Grass and taking names. Lawn Care home of the $5 First Mow. Folks, how we doing out there? Man, the season is upon us quicker than we knew. We had no clue this was gonna happen. We really thought March was gonna bring in another storm or another ice, another cold front. And it still might, it is only the first week of March, but it is looking nice. It’s looking hot. It’s looking like Spring is here, ready to go. Trees are blooming, grass is growing, things are taking off. It is crazy how we have all this growth going on, and it is as time to go, go, go. Uh, spring said, I am not waiting. I am going to go ahead and take off and do all these wonderful, awesome things and make you guys have to hustle, hustle, hustle, get those lawns in shape.
Scalping season is early, folks. Let’s go ahead and scalp winter off of us. Let’s get in there and scrape those lawns, get those Bermudas in shape time to clear them off. Get that winter sludge, so to speak out of the way. We want to make sure we are in good shape when April showers come so we can bring those may flowers. That’s it folks. All the cliches in one area, Tulsa Lawn Care community. It is the time, the place and the company to call kicking grass on taking names, long hair for your scalping needs. We’re gonna come out, we’re gonna take it all, scrape it and take it. Uh, keep it simple. Keep it easy for you. We don’t want you guys to misunderstand or get confused. We’re gonna make sure you guys are dealt well, taken care of, and those lawns are scraped and looking fine.
Nothing better than a scalped lawn that is cut pristinely by yours, truly kicking grass and taking names. Long hair home with a $5 first mow and all that gunk taken away with it. There’s nothing better take majority off. Get rid of that thatch. Make it look good and nice and low and mean. And folks, you be making that money, you’ll be making such a hot look at lawn that people will pay you to come and see it. And that’s simply because you paid us to come and do it. It’s, it’s great. It’s wonderful. It’s absolutely a beautiful thing. It’s a wonderful cycle. Uh, Tulsa lawn care community. Do not be afraid to have one of the best looking lawns in the neighborhood. Simple by call. Getting scalp. Scalp has scalping, has a lot of benefits. It’s going to open up that lawn. It’s going to get rid of the, the winter blanket as we call it.
Uh, get rid of all that thresh and that all that other gunk that’s on it, th thatch and all that. Uh, really give it a, a nice ability to breathe and room and, and, and all that good fun stuff. So you want to open it up. You wanna let it know that it can breathe. It’s time to start doing its thing, okay? Uh, and, and after we do that, it’s a great time to also get your weed control fertilization done. Your ground is not gonna be any more open than it is at that point in time. Uh, most of your debris is out of the way. You got things just removed. Everything is short. Uh, it’s really good. It’s really nice. Go down, lay down those, uh, safe chemicals to, to get that lawn looking pristine. So folks, keep grass at taking names. Lawn care home with a $5 first mile wants to come out and take care of your lawn.
Uh, it is scalping season, uh, flower bed season, mulch season. It’s all the above seasons because it’s that time of year. Uh, I’m not gonna lie, it did kind of happen early. Usually April’s uh, end of March being in April’s when we do most of this stuff. But, uh, folks, that’s where we’re at right now. That’s where we are. That’s what we’re doing. That’s how we’re having fun. So let us know how we can help and when we can get out there. The Tulsa Lawn Care community, it is definitely time to get started. Too many benefits happen. You want, I, it, it’s timing is everything. And you, you really want to go after your lawn right now. You know, it doesn’t take much. It just takes action. Action equals a great looking lawn. And the only action that you need to do is call Kicking Grass and taking Nate’s long hair home with a $5 first.
Mow, call us and we’re gonna come out and take care of that long. We’re gonna scout it for you right now. ’cause that’s, that’s the time. It’s the season folks. It is, it’s a, it’s a easy thing. It’s wonderful. Uh, we’re gonna knock it out for you. Take it off your to-do list for us. It’s, it’s a no brainer. It’s, it’s 1, 2, 3. We’re done. It might be a little more intrusive and involved for you, but it’s something that we’re gonna knock out anywhere from 45 minutes to an hour. 15. All right? It does take time to, uh, bag up and get rid of those clippings. So, um, and think about it. We’re gonna, all those clippings are gonna go with us. We’re gonna haul it away and we, and, and everything. So it’s not like you guys are gonna be stuck with it or have it or, or, or anything like that.
You guys will definitely just have a, a nice looking and beautiful clean lawn. But Tulsa Lawn care community, there are too many, uh, opportunities going on right now. We’ve got a lot happening out there. The sun is shining. Uh, water’s coming down. I mean, it’s, it’s just a very easy looking, uh, setup for it is time to grow season. Um, so get on the list, get taken care of right away. Uh, get your stuff maintained. Get your stuff looked at. Make sure it is, uh, properly handled and, and well manicured. You don’t want to be left in the, uh, cold or have all those wonderful and icky
Things sneak up on you. If you have your team in place, like kick a grass at taking names Lawn Care home with a $5 first Mow, then you’re gonna have a good team in place that’s gonna come. Check your lawn out, know your lawn, know what to cut, know when to cut, know how to cut, and it’s gonna be all taken care of for you. Uh, something you guys will not have to worry about, um, or put up with is, you know, you’re gonna, lawn’s gonna be, uh, looked after. So scalping season ahead, let’s get it on the books. Let’s get it taken care of. So much benefits to that. Um, really open up the lawn, help it breathe, help it, uh, uh, take off thrive, and have one of the best looking lawns in the neighborhood. And then we get the flowerbed, uh, all fluffed up and all those wonderful and beautiful things that we all go on got going on here.
Tulsa Lawn Care community. It is time to find your way, uh, to our website and check it out www.kickinggrasstulsa.com. Uh, check out our, our photographs. See how many lawns we’ve helped, how many lawns we’ve taken care of, uh, how many lawns we’ve scouted. Okay, we got ’em looking good. Uh, you know, we’ll get up to like 22, 23, 24 bags I’m talking about. We want to get those lawns cut down low. All the goodies backed up. I mean, making it look sharp. It is one of our goals, and it is a, a, a great goal that we have. Uh, we really think that we’re one of the top notch companies when it comes to this, uh, as far as dependability and showing up and doing a good job and making sure you guys are happy with the results. Um, we’re not gonna leave you guys high and dry.
We do like to over communicate, tell you the day before we’re heading out and tell, tell you when we’re heading your way. And then, uh, once the project is complete, we’ll let you guys know. Um, hopefully that’s not too much communication for you guys, but it’s definitely something we like to do, provide to our customers. Um, just so you guys are aware of what’s going on, never, uh, do you have to reply or compute it back every single time. It’s just so you guys are. And then if you do want to communicate, by all means, please reach out. Uh, let us know what you need, how you need it, and how we can help. Uh, if it’s not something we can do personally, we’re definitely have somebody on our team or our list of referrals that we can send to you and get you hooked up with and get you taken care of.
Uh, definitely a way to look at lawn care said and done. Um, we’re a one stop shop. That’s how we want to be. We wanna make sure you guys find everything that you need. We got solid crews, solid referrals. We got some really good people that we work with. And, uh, we just wanna come out and start taking care of that scalped lawn. Now, uh, scalping that lawn is, uh, I think crucial, if you would, to a, a setting your lawn up for success. Uh, really getting rid of all that junk, not having to pay extra money to get, come out and get extra chemicals put down and things like that, just simply by having us come out, spend a little bit more time on the scalping and, and, and really getting it, uh, good and thoroughly cleaned out. Uh, definitely something you want to think about.
Look into, um, as always, you know, scalping those costs a little bit more. Not a big deal, but at the long run it’s, it’s pays for itself versus having to come out and put down more chemicals or things like that. So we definitely don’t want to over chemical or over anything. Uh, we wanna put down just the right amount. We wanna make sure that we have, uh, coverage for everything. Uh, ’cause all you know, less chemicals is, uh, is always better. Uh, we don’t ever want to overdo anything like that. We just wanna make sure we are all on the same page, all doing the best that we can do, and making sure that it looks wonderful and beautiful lawn, um, so many lawns out there. So little time. We wanna make sure we have one of the best lawns in the neighborhood, and that’s how we advertise folks.
Don’t ever forget that. Uh, your lawn is our biggest advertisement. Uh, your lawn is the way we really wanna look and feel and make sure everyone knows that we are one of the best looking lawns out there. Um, and we need them to know who that is done by. And that is going to be done by us kicking the grass and taking names. Long care home of the $5 first. Mow. So now you know who, now you know why. Now you know where let us be. The ones that dare folks. We’re gonna come out and make you guys look super, super great, super, super wonderful. Kicking grass, taking names long here, home of the $5 first. Mow, give us a call. Let us know how we can help, where we can help, and all the things around that.