<silence> Good morning, Tulsa lawn care community. Kevin here with kicking grass and taking names. Long hair home of the $5 first. Mow, how are you folks doing today? Great, I hope. Wonderful. I hope all the above. I hope folks understanding your lawn, what do you mean? Well, how do lawns work? Many customers get confused very easily on what they think they understand their lawn to be. And what I mean by that is a lot of customers think the lower you mow your yard, the longer it’s going to stay. Nice looking. When in actuality, the lower you mower your yard, the quicker it looks unkept what? Yes. The reason why is because all of a sudden the grass is like, oh, I need to grow more because I need to get all the sunshine I can get folks grass works on. The more it it grows, the more sunshine it gets.
Okay? And it wants to get as much sunshine as it can. So sitting there and chopping it down as low as possible, you know, and grass, most grass is designed to be cut really, really low. There are some that are literally scientifically designed to be cut really, really short and stay short and look short and, and all that. Uh, and they’re not supposed to grow past a certain amount. But anyway, having said that, the, the grass is designed, okay, regular grass more, most likely the grass that you have at your house growing is designed to as soon as it cuts, start growing for that grass. ’cause you cut it so short, okay? So the shorter you cut the, the more it’s gonna grow, the more it needs to grow, the more it wants to grow. So, Tulsa lawn care community, that is, that is not a hack to sit there and be like, oh, I’ll just cut it all the way down.
If anything, after, I don’t know, month, month and a half, depending how often you get your, your lawn mode and stuff, all you’re going to do is put it into shock and eventually it’s gonna just say, okay, I’m done. I’m not gonna grow anymore. And you don’t have any grass. And then you’re like, Hey, what happened? I’m trying to explain to you what happened. I’m trying to let you know that you need to let your grass cut at a specified height and if it’s too shaggy within two weeks, then you need to accept the fact that you need to go weekly Boeing. Okay? If that is something you cannot handle, then you’re gonna have to accept having a shaggy lawn for two weeks, okay? And if any other mower says otherwise, they’re lying.
Okay? And again, it’s up to you if you wanna believe them and you’re like, oh, no, look, see, it’s right, blah, blah, blah. Okay, fine, believe him. But actuality the truth is, if you actually sat out there and, and monitored it to the point of, of, of documentation, you’ll learn, the shorter you grow your grass or the shorter you mow your grass, the faster it’s going to grow. And that if you want it to not grow as fast, then you are going to have to leave it a little bit taller. And again, it always depends on, on which grass you have and stuff like that. Uh, also the time of year. Okay? Time of year is very important, alright? There are certain grasses that just take off at certain times of the year, okay? Again, something you’re just going to have to accept if you cannot accept that I am so sorry whether you want to or not.
Whether you’re like, oh no, you’re not, it’s not that. It’s ’cause you’re cheap and you don’t want to pay for weekly mowing. That’s what it comes down to. You need to understand that if you pay for weekly mowing, then you’ll have a much happier service, a much happier, uh, lawn and, and you won’t be as like, oh, they’re not taking care of my lawn. No, because why? ’cause your lawn will be mowed weekly and if something happens, it’s only gonna be two weeks. It’s not that big a deal. So Tulsa lawn care community, get out there, get your lawn on a weekly schedule and get it taken care of. That way you do not have to worry about whether or not you are getting mowed or is it mowed enough or, or any of that garbage because your lawn will be mowed, your lawn will be taken care of, your lawn will be manicured.
Tulsa lawn care community mowing is, is, it’s not a hard job. It’s is just a time consuming job, especially for the homeowner. Um, you don’t, uh, you know, being a homeowner, you’re, you’re already taught to be a cheap person anyway. Oh, everyone’s out to get me, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, whatever. That’s your mindset. That’s your problem. Uh, people who, who understand the opportunities that come across their doors have a more, more time freedom with their life. Uh, they understand that time also costs money. Uh, so that’s why they, you know, it’s either you can pay someone to do it or you can do it yourself. And if you do it yourself, it’s going to take time and it’s gonna take time away from other things that you could be doing. So that’s how you have to understand it. Um, and if you’re okay with that, then that’s fine, that’s not a big deal.
Uh, but you also gotta realize that no one, no matter what service you ever have in your entire life, will ever do a, a job like a homeowner will. And what I mean by that is, if you’re the homeowner, you’re gonna go 10 extra miles just to make sure your, your job, your whatever is done perfect. But you have all the time in the world. ’cause you’re the homeowner. And you need to understand that when you’re paying someone to do it, they’re gonna come in and they’re, they’re gonna do a job, but they’re not gonna worry about all the tiny little details. I don’t care who they are. I don’t care how much details they do worry about, there’s still gonna be things that they just won’t do that the homeowner would’ve done. Okay? Um, and remember folks, there’s, there’s always three options when coming to buy a service. Okay? Good. Quick and cheap. Whenever you have three options though, you only can have two. Okay? Good. Quick and cheap of those two options you have quick and good won’t be cheap. You can have cheap and quick won’t be good. Okay? You can have good and cheap.
Okay? Won’t be good. So there are three, always three options, nine different scenarios. I mean, it’s great. It’s wonderful, right? Yeah. We know. But what we don’t realize is, is they’re not the homeowner. They’re gonna do the best job that they can do for you, for the amount of money that you’re willing to pay. And that’s just it. Pay. Everyone’s gonna do something for money. And this person’s coming out to do something that you weren’t wanting to do by yourself or for yourself, but they’re gonna do it for you, okay? At the rate you’re agreed upon. And of course, being a cheap homeowner, like almost every homeowner is, you’re sitting there haggling and bargaining on all these little, little things.
What you’re not realizing is if you just say, okay, you, you, you’ll be much happier in the long run if you let them do the job that they need to do, get it done, how they want to get it done, provide you with a service that they feel is, is what is called for the situation. You may not feel it’s worth it, but it’s done. Tulsa lawn care community, it is done and you have got your project completed. It’s not sitting around the house getting dust. It’s not in the way. It’s not, oh, what do I do with this part? It’s not, I I had to take up a Saturday. Oh, it’s, it’s, it’s not a hassle in your life anymore, okay? It’s over. It’s completed, it’s done, it’s paid for, and you’re moving on. And that’s a win. And that’s how you gotta look at things.
How can I win and succeed at life by getting by, by being mindful of, of every decision. And unfortunately in life, that’s what you have to do. Be mindful of every decision. And what I mean by that is, is not, oh, hey, let me just always go and splurge my money wherever I want. But it’s like, oh, hey, I’m stopping here for this thing. I’m out of this. I can grab these that’ll serve these items that will hang over until I can get the more desired items that I want, or cheaper price items that I want at a later time instead of making two stops. You know, the win in that is you get what you need, you’re prepared for your next task, and then you get to go home in a timely manner. That’s the win. Yeah, but what about the pro? Well, I mean, are you buying that every single time? No. Okay, then that’s the win. So Tulsa lawn care community winning is about achieving what the ultimate goal is that you’re wanting, okay? And if the ultimate goal is you want a good yard, then you need to pay for weekly service. Okay? If you want a grit yard, you need to pay for weekly service. You need to pay for a guy to come out and spray. You need to pay for these things, okay?
If you don’t care what your yard looks like, then go for biweekly. Things happen. Things pop up and it, it could be a month before somebody comes back out and mow, mows his yard, and then you get off and you’re like, well, this guy doesn’t know what he’s doing. You’re right. He doesn’t, he doesn’t know what he’s doing with you as a client. Why should he waste his time with somebody who only wants biweekly service? Okay? When there’s other customers out there that want weekly service where he should concentrate his, his, uh, his efforts at, okay? Because those clients understand time is money. Those clients understand that, hey, he could come in, knock my yard out real quick and be gone in like under 20 minutes. And that’s what they want. They want someone that could come in, take care of the lawn under 20 minutes and be gone. They want someone that can come in one week, do it next week, something pops up. Not a big deal week after that, back in there doing it, okay? Weather patterns hold out, weather patterns change, whatever. But time is money. So let us come out and be the ones that come and take care of your lawn for you. $5 first. Mow, get grass to take name’s. Lawn care home of the $5 first. Mow, you can’t get a
Shake for five bucks. Let on a shake of burger and fries. So come enjoy our services. Enjoy the fact that you don’t have to do it and waste half your Saturday. And I know you guys are like, I ain’t gonna waste half of my set. Whatever. That’s fine. You’re, you’re, you’re wonderful and always prepared, okay? You’re not like the homeowner that forgets that they needed gas or forgets that they needed trimmer line or forgets that they needed a part for this or they needed something else. No, you’re not. You got everything there and you’re perfect. Awesome. So don’t call me. However, if you’re somebody that, that doesn’t want to do it and understands that it does, take time and understand that is a, a, a pain and a, and a chore and a task. Call us (918) 872-0338. Give us a holler. Let us know what we can do for you. We wanna come and mow your yard.