Speaker 1:
Good morning, Tulsa lawn care community, Kevin here with kicking grass and taking names long care home of the $5 first Mo how Yuki folks doing out there today. It is a beautiful may morning. And what do we have out there today? Folks, we have sunshine. We have water. It is absolutely amazing. It is great. It is wonderful. Um, yeah. Yeah. That’s all I can say. I mean, I can’t really say much more, uh, let’s talk about grass growth, grass, what grass growth and all the special things that you need now it’s complicated and, uh, there’s a lot of, uh, science behind it and yeah. You know, you may not really get it, but I’ll explain it to you as best as I can. So basically the main there’s main, you know, you can get real, real sophisticated and we’re going to I’m sure. Yes. Cuz you know, that’s, that’s how we are really scientific sophisticated here at kicking grass and taking names long Tulsa Lawn Care care. So, so idealistically, you really want two main things when it comes to growing your grass, sunshine and water.
Speaker 1:
Yeah, that’s right. I said sunshine and water. That is, that is pretty much all you need to grow your grass. You, you really don’t need anything else. Sunshine and water, that’s it. Not too much water, not too little water, just the right amount of water and some sunshine and you know, what’s gonna happen. Your grass is gonna grow. Now we can talk about also being a little bit more scientific pH balance, how much nitrogen the yard needs, uh, all sorts of different things. Tulsa lawn care community. You can get real nitpicky real quick. But at the end of the day, when it’s all said and done all you need is water and grass, water and, and sunshine. I’m so sorry. Water and sunshine, the grass is already provided there. You know, it’s, it’s lying there. And the best part is the main grass of Oklahoma.
Speaker 1:
The one that the majority of Oklahomans have is Bermuda and the best part about Bermuda is it’s a weed. So it just grows and grows and grows no matter what almost any condition, uh, it favors more sunlight than not. But, uh, you know, like I said, it’s weed and it grows. Um, I mean almost no matter what, uh, it’s the one that runs up and down the side of the highway, it’s the one, uh, type of grass that, you know, you have on golf courses, you know, all sorts of things. So, you know, Bermuda’s a wonderful grass. It’s great. It, it grows and it grows and it doesn’t need sunshine and water. That’s it very little maintenance, very little, uh, anything. Uh, but it does a great job, a wonderful job. And uh, that’s, that’s who you want. That’s really what you want. So again, all these people who go out there and they do all this research, Andre like, oh, I need this, I need that. I’ve been trying to do this. I’ve been trying to do that. Awesome. Cool. Have you tried watering your yard and allowing the sun to do its work? Because oddly enough, for thousands of years, grass has grown
Speaker 2:
Simply because it got wet and the sun was on it, uh, quite simply put, those are the two main, best ingredients you need in order to grow grass. Um, it’s, it’s hard. It’s, it’s, it’s very complex and uh, kicking grass is taking names. Lawn care, understands this method quite well. Um, allow us to come out and mow said grass. Why? Because why, why do you wanna deal with it? Why, why do you want the headache? Why do you want the bother? Why do you want any of it? You don’t, you wanna walk out and go, awesome. Grass is mode. Guys are great. We’re moving all over our lives. That’s what we do. That’s how we do it. And that’s why we do it. So, uh, kicking grass at taking names, lawn care home with a $5 first mow, come check us out. Tulsa lawn care community.
Speaker 2:
We want to, to be the ones to, to mow that grass that grows from the water and the sunshine. Um, it, it mows, it grows a lot. So we mow a lot. It it’s a wonderful thing. It’s not hard. It’s not complicated. Um, yeah, sometimes you need to figure out if you need a little more nitrogen and things like that, you want to grow a little different, little hardier, a little thicker. You want be able to cut it shorter, you know, then, then you can get a little more scientific and, and get things kind of put away and, and, uh, lined out and all that garbage. So, you know, it’s, it, it depending really what you want, but at the end of the day, if grass isn’t growing in a spot, um, you know, is it getting watered and is it getting sunshine? You know, those are the two main things you need to worry about and focus on.
Speaker 2:
Um, past that, it, it’s pretty simple. It’s pretty easy, uh, not too, uh, complicated when it comes to growing grass. Um, we hope you, uh, you understand the method to our madness. Uh, we hope you, uh, enjoy the method to our madness because at the end of the day, it just doesn’t matter. Um, and you know, folks, it doesn’t take much water. You know, we’re not trying to drown the, the grass here or anything. Tulsa Lawn Care committee, you’re talking about 10, 15 minutes of water, uh, every other day, that’s it? Yeah. I’m not, I’m not sitting here saying that you need to go and water your lawn for three hours every single day. No, no, no, no, no. We do not wanna do that. We, we want, um, about 10, 15 minutes of water every other day, that’s it? Uh, and you know, depending on the time of year, you you’re gonna wanna do in the morning.
Speaker 2:
Um, and then, uh, maybe change that up to the afternoon. Uh, you know, uh, depending on hot it’s, it’s getting in the middle of the day afternoon, cuz you know, you gotta, you gotta think of it, you know, your, your ground’s gonna hold that water. And uh, if you water it early in the morning and you’ve been hitting a hundred, a hundred degree days for the last, I don’t know, 2, 3, 4 days in a row, uh, essentially think of it like this, you’re going to your, your lawn is a pot. You’re going to, um, start boiling your grass and you don’t wanna boil your grass, uh, by any means. So, you know, just depending on the, on the time of year and heat of the day and things like that, you may wanna switch that, uh, that watering cycle up to, uh, an evening, uh, cycle, you know, because that way it gets watered and it has time to soak in before all the, the heat of the day kind of gets into it.
Speaker 2:
Uh, but yet it still got water, you know, uh, 87 degree nights, watered is a lot better than, uh, a water, 110 degree day. You know, you don’t want to, uh, you don’t wanna cook that grass. Why? Because then ITT won’t grow. So everything’s in balance too much water, too much sun, no grass grows, uh, the right amount of water and uh, the right amount of sun and the grass grows. Oh yeah. Cab, you said it was easy. It’s getting more complicated, isn’t it? Yeah, it is. It is. Uh, cuz you know, you also gotta make sure you have the right, uh, amount of, uh, things in your ground to help and make it grow Hardy and thick and lush and uh, cutting it at the right height also helps what man, I thought I was grass. I thought I was gonna grow. Yeah. Yeah it is.
Speaker 2:
We are on the same page. I promise you it’s it’s going to grow. Um, but yeah, let’s keep a simple here folks. Um, you know, cut in a ride height, a good height, you know, the shorter you cut the grass, it’s just gonna look that much. Shaggier that much quicker. Um, and it, and it’s gonna grow just as much actually it’s gonna grow more, uh, when you cut it shorter, uh, versus when you cut it longer. And, and what I mean by that is, you know, I got some customers are like, oh, cut it as short as you can get it down low. Okay, cool. And then one, two days later it looks like I haven’t mowed yet versus the ones who, who allowed me to cut it at, uh, suggested Heights, uh, for your location. And two days later, it, it looks like it still got owed three days later, four days later, it doesn’t start to look shaggy, uh, until about, you know, day five.
Speaker 2:
Uh, so yeah, your, your lawn, your lawn looks cut longer and uh, but it’s gonna grow the same amount. I’m gonna come and cut off the same amount of grass. Whether I, I cut it adjusted height or whether you haven’t cut it at a real low one, uh, cuz the grass is, is just, it just grows that much more. It just like, oh I got my stuff, my nutrients, my uh, my water, my sunlight let’s grow. Let’s do this. Let’s become bigger, better. And, and everything. So Tulsa long care community, um, two main ingredients that you need, water and sunshine. It’s very great. It’s very wonderful and uh, proper cutting height that always helps. Um, and a team that, uh, is excited and knows what they’re doing. They wanna come out and help you and get it done for you. Um,
Speaker 3:
You know, cutting grass. Isn’t hard. It’s not rocket signs by any means. Uh, but yeah, we, we do want to take care of it for you. We do want to help you out. We want to provide you with, uh, some of the best cut lawn service there is. Um, and that’s us, that’s us kicking grass and taking names, lawn care home in the $5 first Mo that’s right. $5 first Mo you can’t get yourself a, a burger, a milkshake, and a fry together for five bucks. It’s uh, it’s absolutely wonderful. Uh, yeah, we provide it. We give it, uh, we’re great. We’re wonderful. We, uh, we know, uh, we know what you like and uh, we know the Tulsa lawn care community really appreciate that. Why? Because you guys call you guys call, you, ask us to come back. You ask us to come and take care of you guys.
Speaker 3:
Uh, yeah, it’s what we do. It’s what we do. It’s how we like it. Uh, it’s a wonderful, great thing. We hope that you guys keep continuing to call us so we can come and take care of you and, uh, provide service like no other to you. Uh, we wanna provide the service out there and give you all the things that we give all of our customers who get to want experience our wonderful and kind and great service. Um, check us out. Give us a call. 9 1 8 8 7 2 0 3 3 8. WW dot kicking grass, tulsa.com. Check our website out, uh, kicking dogra two, one gmail.com. Give us an email, give us a shout, give us something. Uh, let us know you’re out there. Let us know your need. We’ll be glad to help you, uh, come out. We’ll mow that grass. Uh, so won’t be a pain in your. So that’s it. That’s all. We’re here to take care of you.