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Good morning, Tulsa lawn care community. Kevin here with kicking grass and taking names, lawn care home of the $5 first smoke. Hey guys, how you doing out there? Enjoying that sun, enjoying the rain. We have a perfect combination of what is known as your lawn is gonna grow that’s right. Folks. It’s that time of year grass is greening up. Weeds have been growing like mad for a while now, but that grass is finally gonna start coming through. It’s gonna start smothering and killing those weeds, taking ’em out with a little bit of help from your ORs, truly king grass and taking names wants to come out and help you take care of your weeds. Uh, little bit of spray, little bit of granular fertilization, little bit of this little bit of that, uh, help us come out. Help us make sure you guys, uh, get taken care of correctly.
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Uh, while we are not the weed experts, uh, we do help a little bit here and there. Uh, kind of help you keep it maintained and under control, uh, kicking grass and taking names. Lawn care wants to, uh, make sure you have a nice looking lawn, a lawn free of headaches and a lawn that you can go out and enjoy. Remember weekly mows are the best. Why do you want weekly mows? Cuz it’s gonna rain. Something’s gonna happen and we’re gonna have to skip a week. And uh, instead of it going, uh, three weeks without being touched, it goes two. And then you come back and your lawn gets mowed and it’s, uh, it looks great. Uh, weekly mowing, uh, out there in Tulsa lawn care community, especially in the middle of the summer months is, uh, is ideal you on one because you don’t have that many, that big of grass clippings two, your, uh, your lawn will look healthier.
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It’ll be better for your lawn because you won’t be cutting off a huge amount and uh, green up longer. It’ll fight other things off. I mean, just, just an all around better way to get your lawn serviced. So many benefits, you know, depending on, on what you’re wanting for your lawn. And again, it won’t be a headache for you. Why? Because we’re coming out, taking care of it for you. We’re giving you that kicking grass and taking names, lawn care, time, freedom. That’s right. You know how we do it here. We’re here to take care of you guys. That way you do not have to take care of your lawn. We want you guys to enjoy the lawn without the headache. We want you to enjoy the lawn without having to go out there and spend hours upon Tulsa Lawn Care hours upon hours.
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While we were out this week, we went out, we had two properties next to each other. We started them the same time as one of the neighbors started his, we were able to finish our two lawns from tailgate down to tailgate up. By the time he was able to mow his yard. Okay. And I saw him fidling and fidling and messing with his messing with that, searching for this, searching for that. And again, I know he’s a homeowner. He can do it however long he wants and blah, blah, blah, blah, blah. I gotcha. I understand. But, but why go through the headache? This is what I’m talking about. Why tell us long care community? Why do you want to have that sort of, of headache have that sort of chaos in your life? All right. You can have us come out, take care of your lawns, move on, do what you do best.
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There’s a reason why people specialize in things that they do. All right? Yeah. You get sick. You think you have a cold, but man, when it starts to get serious, you go to a doctor. Okay? So yeah, you may have a lawn and it gets high and thick. And man, when it gets serious, man, call the call the professionals, call kicking grass and taking names, lawn care. Let us come out. Let us take care of that for you. 120 degrees out in the heat. Nobody wants that. You gotta change out part. Something’s not working. Ran outta gas, gotta go get this. Forgot that Tulsa lawn care community is that the kinda life you want is that the kind of headache you need. Of course not.
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You wanna be able to enjoy, you wanna be able to relax. You don’t wanna sit here and fumble over your thumbs and mess things up and do all sorts of crazy things. Just to try to get your lawn mode. You spend half the morning doing, you could have been doing something else or getting ready to go somewhere or go watch your kids athletic sport or whatever it is that they do. Go fishing, go camping, go somewhere else, go do something else. That mowing stuff for kicking grass and taking names, lawn care. We’re there to make your neighbors, curb kick jealous, cuz that’s what we do. We make it look good. We make people envious because let them spend all, all evening and weekends out in their yard doing their thing. And if that’s what they like more power to ’em. But that doesn’t mean you have to don’t let that adult peer pressure get to you. Now don’t let that Tulsa Lawn Care adult peer pressure of, oh, soldiers mow their yard. I better go out there and mow mine. Nah, let them mow their yard. You do, you, you enjoy that. You enjoy and revel in the notion of knowing that you are taken care of of knowing that, Hey, they’re gonna show up on this day. They’re gonna take care of my yard and I’m not gonna have to worry about it.
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Told the long care community kicking grass and taking names wants to be that solid rock foundation of your house’s property. Okay? We wanna make sure, you know, you’re taken care of you have confidence in us. You know, we’re gonna be there. We’re gonna provide for you all that good fun stuff. So many things to take care of at a house. So many things to provide so many things that takes a homeowner’s time, energy things you have to end up researching and looking at and figuring out Tulsa Lawn Care when it’s just as easy to pick up a phone and say, Hey, can you guys take care of this for me? Awesome. Wonderful. And that’s what we do. We come out, we take care of your grass. We come out, we give you time. Freedom. We come out and get you, make it look good. Have you relaxed? It’s all about time. Opportunity cost. Everything’s about opportunity, cost Tulsa, lawn care community. What could you do be better with your time? Is there something that you could do that can earn you more money? So then you don’t have to go out there and waste your time doing something you don’t enjoy
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Because you know, Bob, my neighbors started mowing his yard. No figure out what you do, figure out what you do, best charge for it. Get it taken care of, enjoy it. And then let us come out and mow your yard. Cause you’ll enjoy that. Why? Because you’ll be inside drinking your lemonade or mojito or whatever it is that you like to drink. All relaxed, comfortable, no headaches, no pains. No, no nothing.
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Just a bunch of good times. A bunch of happiness because you’re doing what you like versus doing what you have to do. You’re still being a good homeowner and neighbor because you’re taking care of your property. You’re still doing everything that you need to do to provide for your house to make it look good, to keep the property value up. So many good things out there simply because you hired kicking grass at taking names’ lawn care to come out and mow your yard. Okay? We’re there to notice when you have different types of weeds, we’re there to notice when you have gophers, all sorts of issues. Okay? We can help point ’em out, uh, lead you in the right direction as to what you may need or other things that we can do for you. Kicking grass and taking names long hair home with a $5 first Mo we want to come out and take care of you.
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We wanna provide for you. We wanna make it. So you guys don’t have the headache of yard work. All right, don’t get me wrong. Some people like to get out and dig in their flower beds and things like that. And wonderful more power to you. We just wanna come out and mow. We wanna come out and make sure you guys are, uh, provided for. Make sure you guys have that. Uh, nice even looking grass, all the above. Take things for, take that time and keep it clean. Take that time and, and keep it nice. Enjoy the company of your family while you’re, while your grass is being mowed. Enjoy the fact that you’re out with your littles, getting ice cream or doing whatever else you want. Getting to watch them laugh and giggle and make up funny little scenarios while you <affirmative> know confidently that you are being taken care of by kicking grass and taking names long care.
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All right, we’re home with a $5 first mode. We wanna reach out to you guys. We wanna make sure you guys and know that we will come out and take care of you. Give us a call, get your yard mode. Five bucks. Let us take care of it. Let us provide for you that opportunity cost. What else could you be doing? All right. What else could you be doing besides mowing your yard? That’s what we wanna know. Kicking grass and taking names, lawn care home of a $5 first mow, reach out to us green country. Let us come out and provide it. 9 1 8 4 0 6 2 0 1 9. Check our website out WW dot www dot kick and grass, tulsa.com. And we’ll reach back out and we’ll show you what we can do. Green country. We hope to see out there. Have a great evening.