<silence> Good morning, Tulsa Lawn Care community. Kevin here with kicking grass and taking names. Lawn Care home of the $5 First Bow. Folks, how we doing out there? I hope we’re doing great. I hope we’re doing wonderful. It is, uh, definitely gonna pick up and start taking off now with all the grass growing and, and all that fun stuff. So speaking of taking off and grass growing, how many of us want to spend all day out in the yard? No one does. Majority of homeowners buy a 21 inch mower. They push ’em, mow their yard, they’re out there for a good solid, I don’t know, two hours probably. Uh, because they’re not only trying to mow and get all these things done, but they’re also kind of fighting with their gear. Okay? Do they have the right, do they have all the equipment needed? Do they have all the parts needed?
Is everything working? Do you need gas? Do you need all sorts of different chaotic little things that you know you don’t think of until you go out there to do it? So a job that should take about 30 minutes is up to about two hours of your day, okay? Just getting it done there on top of if you need to go get gas and or go get a new part or plug or something like that. And, and all you’re doing is just once a week, maybe twice, maybe once every two weeks. So it’s not even like you’re doing it that, that often or that much, and you’re already having to, you know, replace things and change things and it takes up a lot of your time. Whereas you could hire a team like mine, kicking grass and taking names, lawn care and have us come out, knock your yard out in 30 minutes or less, depending on our crew.
We go from one to four, okay? From, if we got four guys, it’s, you’re talking about 10, 12 minutes. If we got one guy, maybe maybe 30, 40 minutes, okay? Uh, but regardless, you’re, you know, we’re going to, uh, come out there and knock it out in a, in a, in a amount of time, significantly less than you are. And so then you say, you say, well, we, I want it nice in, in push mode and all this stuff, that’s fine. Uh, we’re not there for that. We’re there for a clean cut looking lawn, uh, that you didn’t have to deal with. So, Tulsa lawn care community, obviously, if you’re one that nice push homeowner look mode, man. That’s what, that’s why you’re there. You’re the homeowner. Go buy a little push mower and, and spend your Saturday doing it. If you’re looking for a yard that’s, that’s clean, that’s cut, that’s bandaged, that looks nice, that looks even, that looks flat, that looks well manicured.
Hey, we’re your team. We are the ones you want, okay? Uh, we’re gonna come out, we’re gonna knock it outta the park for you, uh, and we’re gonna make it look good and you’re not gonna spend your whole day out there. Why? ’cause we’re gonna have all the supplies we need. Uh, we’re gonna, we’re gonna be there in and out. Anything happens. We can take care of it ourselves. Uh, and, and we’re gonna be there to take care of it for you. Uh, nothing big, nothing, nothing bad, okay? It’s just, it’s more of a headache for the homeowner unless you’re just meticulous with your lawn. Which, if you are, that’s fine. You’re not gonna, you don’t, you’re not gonna want a, a team to come out. But if you’re somebody that just wants your lawn taken care of and you don’t wanna have to worry about it, that’s, that’s what we’re here for, that we’re gonna come out, we’re gonna take care of the lawn and we’re gonna be in and out outta your hair.
’cause the last thing people want is to hear mowers running on their yard all day long. Okay? Uh, last thing you wanna look, do Tulsa lawn care community is look out your window and see some poor guy just dying ’cause of the heat and dying, ’cause of the, uh, uh, the weather or, or whatever it is, worn out, exhausted, tired, panting. Okay? You’re not wanting to sit there and watch a guy suffer. You’re wanting to sit there and watch some guys get in there and get out. Okay? One minute they’re there. The next minute they’re gone. That’s what the majority of the customers want and need. If you’re needing a guy that needs to be out there all day long, manicuring and gardening your lawn, then wonderful. That’s gonna be expensive. And when you find a guy that does it cheap, hold onto him forever, okay?
Because sooner or later, one or two things is gonna happen. One quality’s gonna go down, or two, he’s gonna realize his worth and move on. Okay? So guys, right from the start, let us know how you want it, okay? ’cause we’re gonna come out, we’re gonna have our nice big, clean zero turns coming out, cleaning those lawns up, making ’em look fresh, okay? That’s right. Making them look fresh, nice, neat. All the above. We’re not coming out there to look sloppy and, and disgusting and oh my gosh, what were these people thinking? We’re coming out to look good. We’re coming out to look like we know what we’re doing. We’re coming out to take care of you guys. And make sure you get the lawn that you want, which is one that you don’t have to deal with. And then two, it looks nice, okay?
And those are very hard to come by. And you would think it would be easier given the fact that, you know, a lot of these guys, all they do all day is mow, okay? But Tulsa Lawn Care community, I kid you not all you want is a headache free lawn taken care of without you having to worry about or stress over or any of the above because so many guys out there just come mow one time, grab the money and leave. Okay? We’re not like that. Okay? We want clients. We wanna maintain your clients. ’cause the other thing is, once we get your yard the first time, usually takes longer. We gotta learn all the in intricacies of your lawn. Uh, but once we get your lawn and we get it maintained and we started and we got it the way we want it, okay? And it’s not a yard full of like 500 million things that we’d eat around. If it is, you’re not our client, sorry. But once we get that lawn maintained and, and in the shape that we needed, we’re gonna be in and out fast. And the, the, the more we know along, the quicker we know we can, uh, get in and off your property and make it look good,
Okay? Uh, so we can do a great job fast at a great price. Okay? That’s a hard combination to come by. That was a great job. Fast at a great price, okay? We’re gonna be competitive with everyone else. We’re not gonna be able to beat your, uh, 15-year-old kid out there, push mowing. Nope. He’s gonna have our, the prices beat on us every single time. ’cause uh, he’s got all the time in the world and we do not. Um, he’s got all the time in the world to sit out there for three hours on your lawn and mow it and meticulate it and all that for 20 bucks, okay? Uh, we do not, we’ve got, uh, places to be, yards to mow and customers to make happy, okay? Uh, most people want a good clean looking lawn. Fast and, uh, friendly and yeah, just in and out.
They’re not looking to, uh, have people there all day long. Um, if you are, again, I understand, but we, we try to get in and out as quick as possible. Uh, less seen, the better. So folks enjoy our service. Tulsa lawn care community come out, call us out, have us come out, make you guys look great, good and fabulous. You do not want to pass up a chance to have a lawn mow for $5, which you can’t even get fries, a hamburger and a milkshake for five bucks. Nothing better, nothing beaten. Alright guys, we are ready. We are willing and we are capable. We’re gonna make this lawn look great and it’s gonna be fast, it’s gonna be clean, it’s gonna be detailed, it’s gonna be good, okay? Only thing we ask is you help us out clean your yard up, okay? You got dog poop, pick it up.
You got, uh, trash, uh, pick it up. You got hoses out, pick it up, okay? Because remember, you don’t want us out there all day. You wanna make it a, a simple process for us, okay? If it happens once or twice, we gotta do it. Not a big deal. But, you know, obviously if it’s something that’s on a regular basis that we’re doing, we will probably decide to move on, uh, to more, uh, lawn friendly customers, okay? And you’d be surprised, there are people out there who are very, uh, very, uh, serious about making sure their lawn is ready to the, uh, be serviced, okay? Uh, ’cause again, you’re not looking to keep people out on your property all day. Plus the other thing is Tulsa lawn care community, uh, you know, you leave those hoses out and they draw lines all over your yard.
You know, if you want a good looking yard, then you know, we need to pick up the hoses and other things in the yard. If you guys want to have a yard that is, uh, dirty and messy and all that stuff, I understand, that’s fine. You know, we’re, we’re gonna mow ’em either way and they’re gonna look good after we’re done with them. Uh, they’re gonna look like 10 times better after we’re done with them. Uh, things will be put away, uh, hopefully in the right place that you want ’em. If not, you know, that’s why you’re there. So that’s okay. So folks, uh, having a team like mine, we’re gonna come out, be quick, we’re gonna come out and be efficient, uh, in and out. Uh, just fast. Uh, you want it fast, you want it good and you want it, uh, at a fair price.
Okay? I don’t say cheap because no, we’re not the cheapest one out there, but we’re not the most expensive either. Okay? Ride in between, we’re good enough. Uh, it’s a great price and, and for, for the product that you get. In fact, some might say it’s, it’s a pretty darn good price. ’cause we do deliver a, a, a better product than, than most. We are more meticulous and uh, ’cause we are owner operator and we do pay attention to the details. Uh, that is what we’re there for. So you again, can just go out, look at the yard, go, ah, that’s nice, it’s comfortable, it’s wonderful. Really enjoy the yard. Okay? Really get to enjoy the yard that you do not have to sit there and slave over and make up all these really hard and crazy, uh, tasks to do. And remember all these things, the only thing that we ask if you do have anything, uh, out of the norm, uh, on a mowing service day is that you just requested a 24 hours in advance.
Uh, so we have time to ready the rig and make sure we have the proper equipment with us. And, uh, the timing, uh, the timing is, uh, crucial. Uh, most things just add on a fewer more minutes as long as we have the manpower. If we do not, uh, obviously we’ll have to schedule for a day that we will have manpower or a day of special projects. Uh, one way or the other. We’ll get it done for you. And we would really appreciate, uh, just like a heads up, uh, when we’re headed to your property and you decide to drop a, uh, little request on us, the uh, more than likely we’re gonna have to take, say no. Uh, ’cause we do set the rigs up for the day, uh, with what we have going out. Um, so if we need something where we need ladders or trimmers or hedgers or whatever it is that we may need extra of or specialty of, uh, we’re probably not gonna have it, uh, with us unless somebody else had already requested that. So again, just let us know if you can 24 to 40 hours in advance of any special request and we will make it happen as best we can. And, uh, we’ll be good, clean, fast, and efficient for you. Okay folks. So give us all, let us know what you need. Uh, 9 1 8 8 7 2 0 3 3 8. We are the choice of Tulsa kicking grass and taking names, lawn care. We’ll see you out there.