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Good morning, Tulsa long care community. Kevin here with kicking grass and taking names long care home of the $5 first Mo folks. How you doing this morning? Wanna talk to you about final spring cleanups. That’s right. Final spring cleanups. It is time. It is time to get that lawn in shape. It is time to get ready. It is time to let that lawn know you care about it. Folks, congrats to taking names. Lawn care is still out there picking up leaves and doing all sorts of other things that we can do to make your lawn look great. We’re out there picking up junk, picking up leaves, removing vegetation from plants, uh, installing mulch. We are doing lots and lots of good fun stuff. We are spreading the seed. That’s right. Getting that pre out there, knocking down some weeds with some spray. We’re doing lots and lots of things to get those lawns ready? Why that’s what we do. We get lawns ready for you to enjoy. Remember, it’s all about time management and that’s what we’re here for. Tulsa lawn care, community, time management for you. I thought you wanted to mow her lawns. I do. If I mow your lawns, you got free time. You got free time to go do what you want.
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No one wants to go mow lawns. No one wants to do all those household chores. That’s why you work hard. That’s why you make those big bucks so we can come out, take care of those things for you in a quick, efficient, and timely manner. And let you move on to do your daddy and mommy things. Let you move on to do your, your spousal duties. Let you guys move on to do whatever it is. You guys want to go do title it. However you wanna title it and be happy, not stuck out in the yard for the next, I don’t know, four hours wasting your whole weekend. Wouldn’t you rather be antiquing or would you rather be hanging out at the lake on your new boat? Or would you rather be hiking somewhere around Tulsa and Turkey mound or driving out to Arkansas to hike Tulsa lawn care, community king grass taking names is that is exactly what we’re here for time freedom. And you thought we were just here to mow your lawn. Nah, man, we are here to give you your weekend back. We’re here to make sure you enjoy and, and life and experience as much as you possibly can sitting there and mowing your lawn circles and rounds and over and over and over again. That is not what you need to experience. That is not what you need to enjoy in life.
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Folks, keeping grass at taking names, lawn care home with a $5. First Mo wants to know, wants you to know how much we take time. Freedom serious. All right, there are more important shows to, to watch to Netflix on to, uh, how they say to splurge on TV. Soak up all the, uh, episodes into one category. Watch as many as you can at once. All that good fun stuff. Come on now. Folks, look at your yards, know you’re gonna want to use them at least five times this summer and get them cleaned up. Now, get them taken care of now. Get them looked at now, get that grass planted. Now get that iteration done. Now, kicking grass and taking names long hair home of the $5 first mow. We are the king of time. Freedom. That’s what we’re here to do for you and for your neighbor and for that other neighbor. And for that guy down the street, kicking grass and taking names, lawn care home of the $5 first Mo, come on, let folks, let us come out and take care of you. Let us come out and show you. You have grass underneath those leaves. Let us come out and show you. There’s some plants that ma has survived winter underneath all that junk that got into the flower beds. Let us come out and clean those out. Let us put more mulch down for you.
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Let us come out and spray those weeds down and get them back. Fertilize that long. Get it ready to pop. That’s all we want to do. We just want to come back, make you look good and let you enjoy that weekend. Let you enjoy that job. Let you enjoy those other things you got going on in life. Other than yard work, cuz yard work is just that yard work kind of sounds like hard work. Oh yeah, it is. Okay. We spent the money. We spent the time we got the experience. We got the equipment to make it semis. Easy yard work is yard work. It will always be grueling. It will always be hard. No need to put yourself through that. Allow kicking grass and taking names, lawn care to come and take care of that for you. We’re gonna come in. We’re gonna swoop in. We’re gonna get what you want done. Move on, make you happy, happy, happy. Like you’ve never been happy, happy, happy, follow. So many things out there to do other than yard work. But for us, that’s all we want to do. All right. We want to come out and make you guys look beautiful. Raise those property values. And they are going up.
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People coming in, dressing up their homes. Don’t be left in the dust. It all starts with the yard. Build that momentum allow us to come in and knock out the hard stuff. Get in there and get the nitty gritty. When we come in and take care of you, that’s what we want to do. Pick up all the trash, pick up all the junk, get that yard usable. Let those kids run around. Let that dog run around, make it safe, make it fun. Kicking grass and taking names. Lawn care home with a $5. First Mo we are your yard team. We’re coming out. We’re knocking it out. We’re doing what would take you most of the Saturday, we’re doing it in an hour or less. We’ve got the equipment rolling. We’ve got it. Fine tune, ready to come out and make it look good. Tulsa lawn care community. There are so many things to think about when you’re out there and about in your yard, allow us to be the ones that get all those details down for you and allow us to be the ones that’ll go out there and get things done. Don’t be caught off guard. Uh, don’t sit there and have to spend your whole day researching something. I mean, we’ve, we’ve done the time. Put our expertise to the use.
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All right, no need to Google this or Google that. Or is this safe for my dog? Or can my kids come out after a while? That’s what we’re here for. We’ve got chemicals and all sorts of things that we can use and stuff that are kid friendly, pet friendly, all that fun stuff. Tell us a lawn care community. Not too many people out there are gonna take care of you the way we are. We got a lot of reviews to tell you that we’re here for you. We got a lot of reviews telling you how we’re gonna do it. Help us help you. Call us, reach out to us. Let us come out Tulsa Lawn Care and take care of you. Like you have not been taken care of before. Come out and clean those flower beds. Clean that yard, mow it down, get it sprayed, get it fertilized. Hey, we even do aerations all right. Time to get those leaves off the ground. Let that grass get some sunlight and grow and take care of all that fun stuff.
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Tulsa lawn care, community kicking grass at taking names. Lawn care wants to provide service to you. We wanna provide you with your weekend. We wanna provide you with time with your family. We wanna provide you with the ability to go and do what you want to go do. Whether it’s more work at your job, whether it’s floating on a boat on the lake, whether it’s traveling, whether it’s going to another state for the weekend, checking out a car show. We don’t care what it is. We just wanna know you have the ability to do it because your yard is taken care of opportunity cost. All right, folks, opportunity cost. What does it cost you to go and enjoy your weekend? All right. Pay a little bit of something and get a whole lot of loving. That’s what you want. Pay us a little bit of the dime.
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And you guys have the freedom to go and find and do things that you want to do. You won’t be stuck out in your yard as a prisoner all weekend long. Let us control it. Let us maintain it. Then come. Uh, those five, six times that you guys want, you can take care of your, uh, your outside activities at your house. Why? Cuz you know, it’s already done. All right? And if there’s something that we’re missing, let us know. We’ll take care of that. Or there’s something extra you want done. Let us know we’re gonna take care of that. Folks, whatever you want, we’re gonna take care of you. Why? Because we’re all about the time freedom. We’re here to do that yard work, make it great. Let you enjoy your yard and be envi and your friends be envious of you. Why? Cuz you’ll be spending so much time doing what you want and not sling away at the yard.
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You gotta think about it. People it’s time. Freedom. All right. Some people like yard work. Cool. Wonderful, awesome. Great for you. Some people don’t, they would rather do other things. They’d rather go to their child’s uh, athletic sport. They’d rather go to their child’s activity, whatever it is. They’d rather go somewhere else and do something else. But yet they like, man, I gotta take care of my Tulsa Lawn Care yard. I know you do. But having us come out and do it for you is you taking care of your yard. That’s what you don’t realize. All right. As you get older, you don’t realize, Hey man, I don’t have to do everything. Let me enjoy this. Let me enjoy that. I’m gonna have someone do this. I’m gonna have someone do that. If it ain’t your passion, let kicking grass and taking names long here, come and take care of it for you. All right. Give us a call. 9 1 8 4 0 6 2 0 1 9. Check our website out. Www dot kicking grass, tulsa.com. Give us a call, kicking grass and take a names. Lawn care home of the $5 first Mo we’ll see out there folks.