Speaker 1:
Good afternoon, Tulsa, long hair community, Kevin here with kicking grass in taking names long hair home with a $5. First Mo we wanna talk to you about don’t waste your Saturday. That’s right. Folks. Don’t waste your Saturday out there. Uh, what’s a wasteful Saturday yard work. You just spent 40 something hours at, at a job bringing home some money. Why, why waste? What little free time you do have in your Tulsa Lawn Care yard? Do we wanna waste our beautiful Saturday, which we could be spending doing? Absolutely. Anything else maybe you like to paint, maybe you like to read, maybe you like to draw. Maybe you like to build things with your hands woodwork. You know, maybe you like to let’s see bungee jump hike, go work out really anything other than yard work, maybe you enjoy sleeping. Maybe you enjoy Netflix. Um, over indulgence of shows, maybe you enjoy traveling to nearby towns and seeing their little gyms folks.
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We just don’t want you to waste your Saturday cuz you know how it is for the Tulsa Lawn Care homeowner. Okay? You, you, you, you mow when you get annoyed by your grass, you mow when everything is, is too tall and, and then you haven’t mowed and so long. So you don’t know if this or that works and then you didn need a piece for something and then something’s missing and then something doesn’t wanna start up. And then, you know what, what is a 30, 45 minute task for, uh, me and my guys, uh, you turn into four or five hours of your Saturday and uh, that’s just the waste. Tulsa lawn care community do not waste your Saturday. Do not, uh, allow them to, uh, take that day from you. Okay? That grass needs to be passed. Pass that on to us. Let us take care of that.
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You enjoy your day off. You enjoy your time with who you want to be with and not the grass hoppers and the flying debris from a mower. You don’t wanna breathe in all that mess, all that dirt, all that junk, all that cut grass. Okay. Folks, I’m telling you wasting your Saturday and going to a big box store asking the kid, Hey, do you know, uh, this or that? Will it fit my mower? He don’t know your Mo he doesn’t even know what a mower is. He has not had to mow his own yard. Okay? Why? Because he’s been playing his video games and, and doing his social media stuff and, and all this other stuff, other than actually mowing a yard, Tulsa lawn care, community, kicking grass and taking names, lawn care. One of the best companies in Tulsa, one of the highest rated companies in Tulsa wants to come out and show you. Why wants to come out and help you service you provide for you, give you all the, uh, experience of a high end concierge type of lawn service at a affordable and reasonable rate.
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We want to come out and provide for you. So many wonderful things. Folks. We want to be the ones that show you guys how it’s done to show you how to mow, get you off your Saturday. Don’t worry about having to come out and do any of that. Go to that big box store, walk around aimlessly, and then you are checking your phone, cuz they said, it’s down one aisle and it’s not. So you’re asking one person and they’re like, oh no, it should be there. Oh, it’s not. I don’t know where that is. And you just get the run around and they’re asking another Tulsa Lawn Care person and another, person’s getting another person. Next thing you know, you got 15 employees trying to help you find something and no one knows where anything is at. So then you got 15 employees. You’re making everyone else upset because you’re hogging all the employees and people are being rude and snotty and, and all sorts of craziness about it.
Speaker 1:
And uh, yeah, that’s your Saturday. And all you wanted to do was mow your yard and that’s where you’re at. And you’re just like, wow, I just wanted to mow my yard. And now I’ve got all these people angry at me because I couldn’t find this little part that goes my mower, that when I get home, I don’t even know how to put it on. And I don’t know if it’s gonna make my mower go. And then I don’t know how to start it. And then I don’t know how to make it work. And then I need something down for my weed eater and I need to go back to the big box store and do this whole thing over again with a weed eater because I bought the weed eater, uh, so many years ago. Do they even make this model anymore? I don’t know.
Speaker 1:
We’ll have to find out. And then we have to ask ’em if they make their models. And then next thing I know I’m having to buy a new weed eater and I’m like, oh my gosh, all I wanna do is on my yard. Well, let me buy some chemicals in. So I just kill this stuff and I don’t have to, I don’t have to, uh, uh, weed eat and then, and whoa, well chemicals, do you buy well then they have buy a backpack or some pump ham pump sprayer. And then you’re like, oh man, this is T I’m telling, oh, I’m just telling you. There is just so many things that go awry. And next thing you know, it is, it is four o’clock in the afternoon. And you started this at nine. You’ve spent a whole day working on your yard for a 30, 45 minute task that we could have took care of for you.
Speaker 1:
But no Saturday is gone Tulsa long care community. We do not want you to lose your Saturday. We, we do not want you to, uh, have to go through that headache. That, that craziness, that trial, that, that, that, oh my gosh, this is really happening to me. Type of situation. Uh, cuz, cuz what happens every Saturday? This that happens every Saturday. Some, some guy goes out there, some girl she, they go to the store, they they’re there forever. They’re checking things out. They get distracted. Next thing you know, I know they wasted three, four hours looking around the store, bought five things. Next thing you know, she wants to plant something. I mean, you don’t even know what’s going on. And you’re just like, all I wanted to do is mow the yard and then I wanted to watch the game. And now you can’t watch the game because yeah, it’s four or five hour.
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The game was over with, you got invited to somebody’s house. Ain’t going do that. Nope. Nope. Why? Cuz you gotta mow the yard and you gotta talk to 27 people about it and it’s it’s it’s gone. And then what if it rains and then you gotta ’em all on Sunday. Ah, well there it goes your Sunday, you know, and, and it’s just, you usually have to skip church and you know, when your wife’s be mad, gonna skip church and, and yeah, it’s just, it’s just a no win situation for you. So folks, this, this is what, this is my solutions. I mean five bucks, five bucks, first $5 first mow. You can’t beat it. Tulsa lawn care community. I am telling you right now, there is not a better deal out there on the market. There is not a better company to pick from kicking grass and taking names long hair home in the $5 first mow.
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We will come out, mow that yard, make it splendid, edge it up. Nice and crispy. Get those lines in there. You guys will be so happy. Happy, happy that you won’t know what to do. Oh yeah. I know what you can do. You can enjoy your Saturday cuz you don’t have to worry about mowing. You don’t have to worry about any of that headache. You don’t have to go out and do it. You don’t have to do none of that stuff. It’s not hard. It’s not, it’s just time consuming. It’s like why bother? Okay. It’s us law community. We, we are here to, to simplify the, the task of having to put up with that headache. Okay. We want you to know that it, it it’s easy. It’s simple. Um, it, it, it’s something that we can take care of for you, man. We’re running our mowers anyway.
Speaker 1:
So why not join in on the fun? All right. We’re out there anyway. We’re gonna be mowing somebody’s yard anyway, no matter what we’re gonna be mowing. So you might as well take advantage of that. Well, if they’re mowing, why should I have to mow? Let them do the job. I mean, you know we’re at your neighbor’s house. We’re around the corner. We’re there. We’re doing it. We’re providing the services. We’re meeting the needs. Kicking congrats at taking names, long hair Omo, the $5 first Mo we’re all about ya. Tulsa. Let’s do this. Let’s get her done. Let’s get out there. Enjoy those Saturdays. Enjoy that time off. Okay. Uh, now these days, uh, both people in the house usually work. Uh, so it’s kind of a hit and miss. When you get to see each other, I mean, come on. Don’t, don’t sit there and hog your time up with chores.
Speaker 1:
Don’t sit there and hog your time up with, uh, having to, to hunt parts down or get things fixed or any of that garbage. Now hire us, have us come out, take care of you. Tulsa long care committee. There is no reason for you to have that headache in your life. No, just, just be done with it and be like, you know what? I can set it, forget it. I don’t have to worry about it. Uh, they’re gonna come. They’re gonna take care of me. I don’t have to. And the best part, other thing you don’t have to. Oh, did, did I pay their bill? No, we’re gonna take care of all that. Get you a card on file. Get you taken care of you’re you’re you’re golden. You’re beautiful. Why? Because you’re taking care of by one of the highest rated, uh, best reviewed companies in Tulsa.
Speaker 1:
That’s right. We’re real. We’re here. We’re out there. We’re not shy. We’ve got our, our names plastered. We’re we’re rolling up in our trucks. You’re gonna see us. We’re gonna make an impression you’re gonna like it. You’re gonna be, Hey, I like these guys. They’re clean. They’re quick. They’re efficient. They’re friendly. They’re in, they’re out, man. They’re not here all day long. They, they know how to get things done and that’s, that’s what I need. Okay. And, and, and then you didn’t have to go and spend, uh, long time at the, at a box store. Next thing you know, buying plants that you have to go home and, and, uh, plant. I mean, Hey, it’s a win-win I’m telling you again, kicking grass and taking names long hair home of the $5 first Mo 9 1 8 8 7 2 0 3 3 8. Give us a call. Give us a text. Email, us kicking dot grass. Two, one gmail.com. Check our website out. Www kicking grass, tulsa.com. Come on, folks hit us up. We’ll be there for you.