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Good morning, Tulsa lawn care community, Kevin here with kicking grass and taking names, lawn care home of the $5. First smoke wanted to reach out to everyone and let them know it is that time of year. When it’s gonna start getting cold, it’s gonna start to snow. What does that mean for you in your lawn? That means water. That means hydration. That means if you have leaves on the ground, your grass is going to die.
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Ah, he said die. Yeah, that’s right. That means if you have leaves on the ground, it’s gonna blanket your grass. It’s going to keep it cold. Keep it warm. I’m sorry, cold. Oh my gosh. It’s going, keep it warm. It’s gonna shield it off from the, from the elements and it’s going to dry it out and then it’s gonna get wet underneath and it’s gonna keep it damp for a really, really long time. So it’s going to kill your grass into ways. It’s gonna kill your grass by not allowing the right moisture to get there. And then once the Tulsa Lawn Care moisture does get there, it’s gonna keep it there forever. Why? Cuz the leaves are like a blanket and they just lie there. That’s why you need to have us come out and remove ’em for you. Help us help you and let us come and remove the leaves for you. Anyway, that’s I was saying is that time of year is gonna start getting cold and snowy and all that stuff. Make sure we, uh, take care of our outside we’re requirement side or requirements. Make sure we have some mulch or some leaves in the beddings. So, uh, we can keep our
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What little greenage we’ve got left in there. Warm. So it’ll survive the, the winter. We want to make sure we properly dispose of those leaves. The best way to do it is by mulching by all means. Um, if you do have a little bit of an excessive leaves, it’s okay to get rid of them, but we wanna try to mulch up as much as possible, best scenario, best case for our lawn. Keep it looking good. Keep it looking sharp. Uh, really help it come back. Fighting strong. So Tulsa lawn care community, we are out here to help you maintain your lawn. Even during winter, there is stuff you can do, but you’re saying it’s cold. It doesn’t need anything. It is cold. It doesn’t eat stuff though. And end of discussion, we don’t need to sit here and debate on it or not. It it’s just whether or not you want to have a nice looking yard or not. That’s what it is. I’m not saying you need to spend any time out there cause I know it’s gonna be cold. It’s gonna be cold and damp and it’s gonna be uncomfortable and it’s gonna be want anything you want to do with,
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But that’s why we’re here. That’s why kicking grass is taking names is here. That’s why we exist. We exist to take care of the stuff that you don’t want to take care of. We’re here to make things better for you. We’re here. So you can enjoy your time doing other things that you like to do because you don’t like to do the things that we do. I know I’m so confusing. I’m so baffling. Oh what’s he talking about? Do we do rocket science? No we don’t folks. I know we don’t but we do stuff so you can do other things and we’re good at it. And we show up and we say what we’re gonna do and we’re gonna take care of it for you. All right. We’re here to help. We’re here to make it better. We’re here to do it all for you.
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I don’t know why anybody will want to go out there and do all that stuff. When they have us take care of it, kick grass and taking your names. Lawn care home with a $5 first mow, highly Google rated. People love us. We love people. We coming out to help you guys. Okay? We want to take care of these lawns all year long, provide all sorts of good services. That way your lawn is curb kicking, jealous to your neighbors. They see it. They love it. They hate it and they want some of it, right? That means they want us. Okay. And that help us as out always remember you’re our best advertisement. If I, as long as I make your lawn looking good, that means I’m gonna get your neighbor. One of two things. I’m gonna get them out there, spending more time in their yard, trying to make it look better.
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Okay? Knowing that you pay a nice, good, fair price. And they spend a lot of time out there and you spend Tulsa Lawn Care none. So that’s gonna irritate them. So they’re gonna wanna make their long try to look at like separate, huge, separate. And that’s just it though. They have to spend tons and tons and tons and tons and tons of hours out there because that’s, that’s what it takes. And you don’t because we can go out there and we know what the heck we’re doing. We’re gonna get all figured out and fixed up 45 minutes a week. Okay. Make it look good. Make it look sharp. Right? Tulsa lawn care, community, kick grass, taking names. Lawn care is here to take care of you. We’re here to provide you with, uh, one of the topnotch services in Tulsa for lawn care. We’re here to provide you with, uh, kick Curpin curb, kicking jealousy of the neighbors, make them know who and what you are and what you’re made of.
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We want them to see. And, and we want them to know that you are, uh, just a, a great human being for supporting small businesses like ours and allowing us to come out and show you what we’re made of and how we can, uh, make you one of the best looking yards in the neighborhood without being out there for 10 hours without gouging you on prizes without any, any of that crazy stuff. King congrats, taking names, lawn care home of the $5. First Mo let us come out and take care of you. Tulsa. We wanna provide one of Tulsa’s best to premiere, uh, leaf removal services and long air services that we can. We know that you can pick from a variety variety of companies out there. And we’re honored that you would pick us and let us come and take care of one of your most valuable assets.
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And that is your beautiful home providing for and taking care of assets is what we do. We know how to improve the value, make them look good, make them look sharp. Even during winter. All right, we can come out. We can plow those driveways. We can get the snow outta your way so you can get to work again. Something you don’t wanna do. We have the trucks and equipment to get out there that provide you with, uh, avenues to do other things. Maybe you work from home. Awesome, great. We can still come out and plow your stuff. And that way you can run to the convenience store, the Walmart, to the, whatever, to get your stuff. So you can stay nice and comfy at home to long care community. We’re not just gonna stop and mowing your grass. We’re not gonna stop it. We’re removing those leaves.
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We’re gonna take care of you from Christmas lights to fertilization, to aeration, to whatever else you may need out there. All right, we can provide small retaining walls. We can provide fire pits. We can provide all sorts of wonderful and awesome things. We deliver firewood to keep you warm. Okay? We’ve got ability to do lots and lots of variety of things. Let us come out and provide these services for you. Let us come out and give you all the, uh, one and done comforts that a lawn care company can provide no need to have 5, 6, 7, 10 different companies coming in, in and off your property. Have it all done in one with kicking grafts, with taking names, lawn care, one, it told us most highly rated and Googled long care companies. Let us come out and take care of you. Let us come out and provide for you in so many different capacities.
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All right? No one company trust one company deal with one company build with one company. You don’t have 20 different bills coming away. You know what to expect? Uh, one simple, easy to read bill, nothing too hard, nothing too complicated. We like to keep it simple for our toast alarm care community. We want to provide you guys with, uh, a killer service that, uh, is matched by no one in Tulsa. Okay? We’re not chucking the truck. We’re gonna show up. We’re gonna show up clean. We’re gonna show up, uh, ready to work. And uh, we’re gonna show up with our equipment working for you. Okay. We know how, uh, frustrating can be. That’s the reason why we do what we do. Uh, when guys show up and they have issues and problems, or if they don’t show up all or they don’t communicate or, or any of that jazz, uh, we get services done too, as well for different things.
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Uh, mechanics, stuff like that, mobile mechanics, they come out, they try to help us out. They try to do all sorts of things. Uh, people show up, people don’t show up. We know how it is. Trust me. We’re uh, we’re consumers and, and, uh, on certain, a avenues and aspects too. So don’t, don’t feel like we don’t know what you, what you go through at times. So that’s one of our pet peeves. That’s one of the things we definitely wanna provide for. We definitely want to be here. We want to provide for, we want to be there for you. We want to give you what you need. We wanna do all these awesome things and provide many wonderful, um, times outside in your backyard. Uh, nothing better than going out, having a clean backyard, having a, uh, healthy looking backyard, having a backyard that you could enjoy and, uh, utilize and all those wonderful and beautiful things.
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Tulsa lawn care, community, call kicking grass and taking names, lawn care home of the $5. First Mo we are here for you. We want to provide for you. We want to give you, okay. We wanna give you that appeal, that wonderful looking yard, that neighbors are just like, Ugh, what are they up to? Why do they work so hard? Why do they provide it all? Why do they give it all? Why? Because you deserve it. You deserve the time. Freedom that kicking grass and taking names, lawn care can provide, call us up, let us know what we can do for you. Let us know that, uh, we can provide you with a service. We can give you all that you need here in our, uh, wonderful town. Let us know, kicking grass, taking names, lawn care home with a $5 first Mo 9 1 8 8 7 2 0 3 3 8. Check our website out www dot kicking grass, tulsa.com or check our we, uh, email kicking dot grass, 21, gmail.com. Send us email, whatever you need, let us know, reach out, take advantage of our offer. Let’s go Mo time to get your Saturdays back.