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Good afternoon,

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Tulsa long care

Speaker 1:

Community. Kevin

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Here with kicking grass and taking names long care Tulsa Lawn Care home of the $5. First Mo leaves, leaves, leaves, and more

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We are gonna talk about leaves. Why leaves? Because why not leaves you have ’em. We want ’em. You don’t want ’em. You want to get rid of ’em they’re killing your grass. They’re making your, your ground all soft and yucky and nasty. They’re hiding all sorts of

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You don’t wanna go put your hands in it, dig it up. It’s freezing out. It’s all sorts of things.

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Tulsa lawn care, community

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Leaves are not your thing.

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They’re nasty. They’re gross.

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They’re they’re just a pain in the butt.

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They take forever

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To scoop up. You gotta bag them. Next thing you know, you have 47 bags of leaves. Hang it out on the side of your house. Then you’re too tired to go and take ’em and put ’em at the curb. And then you gotta put so many at the curb because then the trash

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People just

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Sit there and charge you all sorts of money. Just to pick ’em up after you did all this work,

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Why not let us do

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All the work and take

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The leaves. All right. We’ve got systems down methods down madness down

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To come out and get the leave

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Done in a few hours where I know it takes homeowners sometimes

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A few days to get them up and going.

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So no need to worry about that kind of stuff. No fret, let kicking grass and taking names long care home of the $5 first Mo come out and be the ones to take care of you. Let us come out and be the ones to provide for you. That’s right. Folks for you. Uh, we are one of the, uh, highest rated Googled companies in Tulsa. Uh, we want you guys to check us out most reviewed, uh, most high rated. Yes, that is us. Uh, check us out, check our, our, our, our testimonies out, our reviews out, you know, uh, we’re always gonna try our best. We’re not, we’re not there to, uh, to make it messy. We’re not there to screw anything up. We, we want you to know we’re there to, to, to surf. We want you to know we’re there to help where that’s, what we’re here to do.

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We want to give back. We want to, uh, help our fellow neighbors. And we know those, those pesky leaves can be a pain. Uh they’re trust me. We know those leaves are pains. Uh, we, we gotta get ’em out. We gotta get ’em moving. We gotta get it all. Um, so anyway, uh, just filling you out, uh, let you guys know that, uh, we’re here for leaves. Uh, you know, you really don’t wanna mess with ’em. You never know what you’re gonna find underneath. I mean, snakes like to hide in there, uh, you know, all sorts of, uh, worms and, and critters and man, they, they find it nice and warm and they, they, you know, they just, they just hang out in there. Tulsa lawn care community, uh, leaves are just not your friend. They, they hurt the grass. They’re bad. They’re evil. They’re, they’re not nice.

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They, they, they kill it. They take it down. I mean, they just, it’s, it’s just an insane amount of work that is required by the people to get those rid, rid of those leaves. And, uh, you know, if you don’t have the right equipment, it takes forever in a day. If you allow us to come out there for you, man, we got that equipment all set up. We we’re always ready to go. Uh, we’re gonna come and suck those leaves up and get ’em outta your way. Get ’em outta your hair. They don’t have to deal with them. Uh, you’re gonna be happy. Faithful. You’re gonna be warm. You’re not gonna be wet. You’re not gonna be cold. It’s gonna be great. Uh, you won’t have to deal with anything that gross or nasty. Uh, you know, if we find anything, we’ll let you guys know.

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Uh, sometimes, you know, you find a nest of snakes, all sorts of crazy things like that. It happens. It does. So, you know, we’ll definitely let you know. And so you can take proper, uh, precautions to get those pests taken care of and out of your hair. Uh, you know, cause that’s what leaves too leaves just like to, uh, like to, to, to let hide things. And they like to bring in, uh, death to the grass. And no, that’s not what we’re trying to do here. We’re trying to make sure we still have grass come spring cuz uh, we want grass to mow. And so it’s a never ending cycle. It’s great. It’s wonderful. Uh, and then if you ever wonder why your grass is disappearing, if you never get your leaves done well, Hey, there you go. That’s why, uh, leaves really, uh, really do a number on grass.

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They really get rid of ’em. They take care of ’em they’re they’re gone. Um, and yet is what it is. So let’s uh, let’s take care of those leaves. Let’s get ’em gone. Let’s uh, let’s grow that grass, uh, by one of Tulsa’s best companies. Uh, we’re out there, we’re mowing, we’re growing, we’re doing it all. We want you guys to use us and uh, be happy with us. And uh, we want you to know we’re gonna try our best and we’re always gonna do our best for you. Why? Because you’re our neighbors, uh, and our neighbors. We always wanna serve. We always wanna please. We wanna make them happy neighbor, neighbor, neighbor, let us help you out there in the Tulsa lawn care community. We, uh, really want to come out and help and pick those leaves up. Uh, it’s just what we do.

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It’s how we help. It’s it’s great. It’s wonderful. Uh, we make our neighborhoods look grand, look great. We keep ’em clean. Um, there’s not too much, uh, about the leaves other than their, their pesky. They’re annoying. It’s a lot to deal with, you know, uh, we can, uh, usually take what turns out to be like 40 or 50 bags worth of leaves and Mults that up with our, uh, debris loaders and get those sucked up and get it down to man, just like two or three feet in the back of our, one of our beds. It’s uh, it’s great. It’s wonderful. It’s uh, it’s pretty easy. We, we wanna make it SIM for you. We, we don’t want to be the, be the headache. We, we know how it is. Uh, especially we don’t have the right equipment. Uh, you know, it is expensive to get good equipment to get out there to, uh, get your leaves done.

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So it’s kinda, you know, do I, do I, and then it’s not just that. Then you have to maintain the equipment, then you gotta take care of it. You gotta make sure things are working. You gotta make sure. And, and by the end of the day, you end up spending the same amount of money in either fixing, buying, or replacing the equipment. And you still have to spend the time out there, which you don’t get compensated for. Or you could hire a company like ours, let us come out there. Take care of those leaves for you. Quick, easy snafu, not a big deal, um, run and done and get ’em gone. That’s that’s what we like to do here at, uh, kick grass and taking in lawn care home with the $5 first Mo that’s right. We like to take care of those leaves for you. And, uh, that’s what we’re gonna do. We’re gonna come out there. We’re gonna take care of those leaves and uh, we’re gonna scoop ’em up. And, uh, yeah. What, what could be easier said done than that? You know, do you really wanna spend hours out there?

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The most, uh, economical method for the homeowner is a rake and a bag or a trash can. And, uh, while it is economical, it is very time consuming. So Tulsa lawn care community, let’s not waste, uh, anybody’s time. Let’s not waste anybody’s, uh, anything. Okay. Time is precious. And that’s what we’re trying to do here. We’re trying to give you your Saturdays back here, folks. That’s all we want to do. Give you your Saturdays back, uh, especially during the winter, uh, you know, you got better things to do, uh, football games to watch kids sports, sporting events to go to, uh, just, just really anything better, uh, than sitting there, uh, breaking leaves. Uh, you could be out there for a couple days, actually as a homeowner, uh, just trying to rate them up, get ’em and they just, they just seem to multiply why you’re there doing it.

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Uh, it can’t be frustrating. It can be, uh, overwhelming at times. That’s okay. Folks. Uh, that’s what kick your grass at taking names and it’s here for they’re we’re here for, to, for the leaves, you know, we’re for here to make it, uh, easy on you. Uh, um, you know, it’s, it is an endeavor. It is, it is an expense, but you know, why, why, why take your time up? Why, why do that? Why lose a Saturday? Why lose a weekend? You know, possibly even two, how many trees you got? You know what I mean? And, and then again, you know, no matter what, you’ll still have a cost, uh, if you put the, uh, trash, uh, if you put it out in the trash shoot, those guys, you know, they’ll charge, you go too many bags over things like that. Uh, if you leave bagged up side of your house, then you, you know, you just got, ’em bagged up on the side of your house, uh, extra.

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So, you know, alright, so there’s, there’s a lot, there’s a lot to consider. You want to, uh, get rid of all that and, uh, have us come out and sit and do it for you, man, by all means, let us do it, let us, uh, let us be the ones to help our Tulsa lawn care community out. And, uh, yeah, that’s what we wanna do. We wanna help you guys out, you know, um, you know, come out, make it easy for you. You guys enjoy those, those that time with your family and anybody else you choose to, uh, and not the leaves you don’t wanna enjoy those time. The leaves leaves they’re so, uh, they’re so mundane. They’re so brown they’re, you know, they just take up too much work effort life. I mean, do not bother with those leaves. They’re just, that is not worth it. Let us come out and do it. Um, keep that grass green and growing, uh, make sure they, that the, the soil, the institutions it needs

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During the winter, uh, what little sunlight it does get and all that stuff. Oxygen cuz uh, leaves, man, they really cut that off. They, they, they cut that off. They don’t, you let you, uh, let the grass breathe or nothing. Absolutely horrible. I tell you just, just horrible, uh, leaves are just a menace. Uh, but they’re great when you mulch ’em up, you know, you know, they’re great. They, they neutralize the ground. So you know, we’re gonna get most of the leaves and we can come back and we mulch up the rest and uh, you get some free fertilizer and uh, man, it’s great. It’s wonderful. The

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Grass is gonna grow your, your, your yards gonna be healthy. It’s gonna be strong. And uh, that’s what we want you guys out there to know, um, that, you know, we, we know what we’re doing. We’re here to supply the, uh, the labor, uh, and the methods of the madness. And we’re gonna get you done. We’ll get you taken care of, uh, congrats, taking names long hair home with a $5 first mow. We’re here for you. We want to, uh, come out and mow your yards and uh, get them leaves. So remember leaves are bad. Let us come and pick them up. We’ll take ’em off your hands for a nominal fee. It’ll be great. You’ll love it. Um, nothing’s gonna be better. Uh, why cuz you didn’t have to do it. That’s the main thing you, you, you save the time. You spend a little cash, which you would’ve spent no matter what and lose the time. So it’s a win-win situation. We make some money. You get your time. All right, everyone’s happy. So call us Texas (918) 872-0338. Give us a, uh, checkout on our website, www dot kick and grass, tulsa.com. Uh, send us an email kick in dot grass. Two, one gmail.com. You know, whatever you want. We’re here. We’re happy. We’re ready. Let’s do this. Uh, let’s come get your GRA uh, your, your leaves told let’s we’re gonna come get ’em. Yeah, that’s what we’re here to do. We’ll see you out there.